cross the topline as does tobiano. The head is usually quite extensively marked with white, and the eyes are commonly blue.
Sabino Spotting adds white in a wide range of ways that are all distinct from the overo by having ragged edges to the white, as if the white spots were creeping into the colored areas. When there is not much spotting, only the legs and face blaze are white, but with that ragged edge, unlike the crisp edge of the frame overo. When there is a lot of spotting, the horse can look white with specks of coat coloring like a leopard appaloosa. When the is a moderate amount of spotting, this sabino can be confused with a frame overo, but again, just look for the ragged edges to the white.
Medicine hat is a special pattern, because the Native Americans prized them for the coloring on the back of the head and ears like a cap or hat.
According to the American Paint Horse Association, “Splashed White is the least common of the spotting patterns in horses, although it is increasing in frequency as breeders use more and more splashed white horses in their breeding programs. It occurs sporadically in a number of widely divergent breeds, such as Welsh Ponies, Finnish Draft Horses, Icelandic Horses and Paints.”
Chestnut Frame Overo
-Malcolm Morley
Chestnut Splash Overo
“The pattern usually makes the horse look as though it has been dipped in white paint. On a dark horse, the effect can be that of an ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. The legs are usually white, as are the bottom portions of the body. The head is also usually white, and the eyes are frequently blue.”
31 Southwest Highways & Fields