11 Southwest Highways & Fields
Located just off US 491 north of Cortez, the Dolores River offers
some great trout fishing. Temperatures are a bit on the nippy
side, and some days are downright frigid, but the fishing can sure
be rewarding. Trout over 20 inches long are not uncommon,
with the average size being 16 inches. Try using Wooly Worms,
Montana Stones, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ears and Nymphs.
Looking for a place to hike this month? While no colorado park is
going to have balmy weather in march, John Martin
Reservoir State Park near Lamar has daytime highs around 50
degrees. Be sure to bundle up though, since it drops off below 20
degrees at night. If you do stay for a cold, clear night, it will
reward you with a majestic view of the heavens; the sky comes
alive with stars and other celestial bodies. See Bald Eagles and
some of the other 400 bird species that live in the area.
Into falconry? You can legally hunt cottontail rabbits, snowshoe
hares, jackrabbits, fox and pine squirrels, pheasant, quail, chukar,
grouse and white-tailed ptarmigan with the use of a raptor.
A light goose conservation order season is on until April 30.
Mountain Lions can be bagged in most districts.
Always check hunting seasons: http://wildlife.state.co.us/Hunting/
Plan a birding trip at www.coloradobirdingtrail.com
The Campfire Outdoors Guide