Southwest Highways March 2013 | Page 10

9 Southwest Highways & Fields


With a fresh stock of trout, Dead Horse Ranch State Park

should be a good trout hole this month. Lake Havasu on the

California border has some monster Redear Sunfish. Carp is

abundant on the lake; Crappie and Stripers can be caught as


For a warm Sonoran Desert hike easily accessible from Phoenix,

visit Lost Dutchman State Park. The park is named after the

legendary Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. The park hosts a good

example of desert flora and fauna. Most of the trails here are

steep and rugged, so bring plenty of water and proper footwear.

Tree Squirrels can be hunted in unit 33. Coati and Prairie Dog can

be bagged, and Quail can be taken by falconry for the first half of

the month.

The birding is great at Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve. The

preserve has rare wetlands and riparian forest, making it a haven

for birds. The large cottonwood, willow, and walnut trees attract

a variety of avian species.

Spend the week or weekend at Roper Lake State Park. Relax in

the hot springs, fish on the small lake, and hike the trails looking

for Gambel's Quail. Not up to camping? Roper Lake has cabins

available for rent.

The Campfire Outdoors Guide