February 2013 30
Osprey Soaring
-Eamon Decker
Hundreds of vultures are gliding overhead. Apparently, some Texas vultures migrate south for the winter, while others stay behind. At first, all I see is vultures, but a closer look reveals many hawk species mixed in with the black clouds of vultures soaring over to Mexico. Ospreys are easy to spot, because when they glide, their wings
look like the letter M. That day had a strong north wind blowing, which brought down a bunch of hawks. I'm surprised how much time has past when I take a look at my watch. I'd love to stay at the hawk tower, but it was time for lunch, and I didn't want to miss the tram. Just as I was about lo leave the tower, two small hawks swoop down out of the sky. One is the common American Kestrel, but the other was a Merlin, a small falcon that I had never seen before. He was doing all sorts of air tricks, diving behind the brush then shooting out the other side fast as a rocket.
The next morning I drove over to Estero Llano Grande State Park near Weslaco. After spraying myself with strong mosquito repellent, two Harris' Hawks flew over the tropical landscape. I had never seen this dark brown hawk
Hawk Tower at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park
-Eamon Decker