Southern Ulster Times Oct. 12 2016 | Page 2

Southern Ulster Times , Wednesday , October 12 , 2016
Calendar .......................................... 12 Craig McKinney ................................ 9 Classifieds ...................................... 32 Crossword ...................................... 34 Highland ......................................... 30 Letters to the Editor ........................ 8 Marlboro ........................................ 24 Obituaries ...................................... 39 Opinion ............................................. 8 Police Blotter ................................... 4 Plattekill ........................................ 25 School News ................................... 22 Service Directory ........................... 36 Sports ............................................ 44

Hudson Fest marches

PUBLIC AGENDA THURSDAY , OCTOBER 13 WHAT : Lloyd Zoning Board of Appeals WHEN : 7 p . m . WHERE : Lloyd Town Hall , 12 Church St ., Highland
WHAT : Plattekill Zoning Board of Appeals WHEN : 8 p . m . WHERE : Plattekill Town Hall , 1915 Rte 44 / 55 , Modena
WHAT : Marlborough Planning Board WHEN : 7:30 p . m . WHERE : Marlborough Town Hall 21 Milton Tnpk , Milton
WHAT : Highland School Board WHEN : 7 p . m . WHERE : Highland High School 320 Pancake Hollow Rd ., Highland
OFFICE : 300 Stony Brook Court Newburgh , N . Y . 12550
PHONE : 845-561-0170 , FAX : 845-561-3967
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The Southern Ulster Times , ( USPS 022-586 ) is a weekly newspaper published every Wednesday at Newburgh , N . Y . 12550 , with offices at 300 Stony Brook Court , Newburgh , N . Y . Single copy : $ 1 at newsstand . By mail in Orange , Ulster or Sullivan Counties : $ 40 annually , $ 44 out of county . Periodicals permit at Newburgh , N . Y . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Southern Ulster Times , 300 Stony Brook Court , Newburgh , N . Y . 12550
A variety of vendors lined the Hudson Valley Rail Trail near the western entrance to the Walkway Over the Hudson State Park in Highland for the 6th annual Hudson Fest .
By MARK REYNOLDS mreynolds @ tcnewspapers . com

Although the weather for this past weekend ’ s 6th annual Hudson Fest was far from ideal , people still turned out for what is becoming a Highland fall season tradition .

Eric Norberg and Scott Sasso were once again the co-chairs of the event .
“ I think just like anything else with these festivals , it ’ s getting settled on who your vendors are and on who is your following and on Columbus Day weekend . Once that settles in the rest is easy ,” Norberg said .
The initial Hudson Fest was held in the hamlet of Highland , which Norberg and Sasso found a bit restrictive in size and space and lacked easy access . Norberg said once the event was moved up to the Hudson Valley Rail Trail , near the western entrance to the Walkway Over the Hudson State Park , the attendance “ I ’ m guessing went from 1,000 to 7,000 when the weather was great . It was a dramatic difference .”
Sasso said although the set up on the morning of the event has gotten “ smoother ,” he still likens the arrival of the vendors to “ two hours of controlled chaos – cars in , cars out and they come .” He thanked his wife Geraldine and sister
Homemade donuts were a hot item at the Tantillo Farm booth .
Lauren for assisting in signing in the vendors .
Norberg made a point to thank the festival ’ s “ core ” sponsors that support the festival every year – the Hudson Valley Credit Union (“ our main and largest