Southern Ulster Times Nov. 22 2017 | Page 4

4 Southern Ulster Times, Wednesday, November 22, 2017 Marlboro strengthens anti-bullying effort Continued from page 1 school counseling setting, use of electronic investigation data and having ongoing safety and health and wellness and problem solving, which is what we do in those areas.” meetings. Hecht said highlighting cyberbullying and web Bakatsias said last spring the district began to assess safety and holding poverty simulation workshops brings threatening behavior for the staff to understand and these issues into relief. initiated drug awareness presentations on the opioid “All of this helps us to know and heroin crisis that is gripping the what to look for and how to provide region and the nation. He pointed out support,” Hecht said. “These are just that we all have an obligation that if a few of the initiatives that we’ve ‘we see something, say something’ done throughout with students and to the administration or to a staff the staff.” member. Hecht called attention to Bakatsias said awareness and several programs that are presently further communication on these in place at the three schools. The matters is addressed at faculty elementary school has the Positive meetings, on Conference days, through Behavior Intervention and Support the Attendance Committee and the [PBIS] program that is aimed at RTI [Response To Intervention] and improving social, emotional and Student Development Committees. academic outcomes for all students. Safety is also enhanced by the Safety The Responsive Classroom program, Committee through building and designed for grades K-8, looks at safety teams. creating stronger ties between a The presentation listed multiple MICHAEL BAKATSIAS student’s academic success and their avenues of support for the staff social-emotional skills. A Lunch ASSTISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF and students, such as grade buddy program helps student learn TECHNOLOGY AND PERSONNEL level orientations, having DASA how to be friends and a Character coordinators, ensuring there are Education program employs innovative and exciting McKinney Vento Liaisons to assist homeless students, activities organized around certain themes, such as having guidance and student assistance counselors and conflict resolution, curriculum integration, career mental health advisers available and holding child study awareness and service learning while also involving the team meetings, to name a few. parents and the community. Hecht said after school clubs Hecht listed some of the professional development are a way to promote a sense of belonging and teamwork opportunities that are available; Superintendent for students. Conference Days, ongoing yearly training for DASA, The Middle School has the Olweus program that VADIR [Violent And Disruptive Incident Reporting] prevents or reduces bullying among students, has a and for BIP [Batterer Intervention Program], Digital student/teacher mentoring program, hosts a breakfast Citizenship training for staff and students that emphasizes to recognize students with admirable traits, has a focus the proper use of technology, how to address trauma in a on providing students with a sense of belonging and is reviewing the student code of conduct. Principal Debra Clinton has initiated small group “Lunch with the Principal” days to foster better communication while helping her to see if the school is meeting the students’ social and academic needs. At the high school Hecht said for two years they have had the Safe School Ambassador program that teaches students communication and intervention skills aimed at preventing and stopping emotional and physical bullying and violence. There is also student instruction that is focused on sensitivity and a Link Crew consisting of juniors and seniors who help freshman during their first year of high school. There is also digital citizen training, promotion of after school clubs and activities FOR YOUR and character education. The high school also has a Role CONTINUED Modeling program that teachers provide for the students. SUPPORT “They are with the students all the time and the students are watching, listening and learning how to treat each other well,” Hecht said. High School Principal Ryan Lawler said Sensitivity Training, especially in English and Social Study classes, helps students to “really understand different people’s perspectives and how to proceed in other people shoes. That really goes into the fabric of how we treat each other and I feel that is happening throughout the [high school] Town of Lloyd Town Clerk building.” “ W e are all on one big team and we’re here to create the very best pos- sible opportunities for students to succeed and to leave us with the 21st century skills that we know they need,” from Rosaria PEPLOW P olice B lotter TOWN OF LLOYD Rajeev M. Odera, 56, of Highland, was arrested Nov. 13 and charged with Harassment 2nd degree and Criminal Contempt of Court 2nd degree after he was involved in a domestic dispute. He is accused of violating an Ulster County Family Court Order of Protection. Odera was arraigned before Town of Esopus Judge Grieco and remanded to the Ulster County Jail on $1,000 cash bail, $2,000 insurance bond and was due back in the Town of Lloyd Court Nov. 14. Reginald Alston, 50, of Poughkeepsie, was arrested Nov. 8 and charged with Assault 3rd degree after he was involved in a domestic dispute. Alston was released on an appearance ticket and is due in Town Court Nov. 30. Monique J. Charley, 42, of Poughkeepsie, was arrested Nov. 9 and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 2nd degree, Operation of a Motor Vehicle with a Suspended Registration after the vehicle she was operating was stopped for traffic violations on Rte. 9W in Highland. Charley was released on tickets and is due back in Town Court Nov. 30. Dwayne F. Liguori, 55, of Pleasant Valley, was arrest- ed Nov. 17 on an arrest warrant for Petite Larceny and Criminal Possession of Stolen Proper