Southern Ulster Times Nov. 18 2015 | Página 2

2 Southern Ulster Times, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Calendar..........................................16 Craig McKinney................................ 9 Classifieds...................................... 32 Crossword......................................34 Highland......................................... 24 Letters to the Editor........................8 Marlboro........................................22 Obituaries...................................... 26 Opinion.............................................8 Police Blotter...................................4 Plattekill........................................ 23 School News................................... 28 Service Directory...........................50 Sports............................................56 PUBLIC AGENDA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 WHAT: Lloyd Town Board WHEN: 7p.m. WHERE: Lloyd Town Hall 12 Church St., Highland WHAT: Plattekill Town Board WHEN: 7p.m. WHERE: Plattekill Town Hall 1915 Rte. 44/55, Modena THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 WHAT: Marlboro School Board WHEN: 7p.m. – tour of High School 7:30 p.m. regular meeting WHERE: Marlboro High School auditorium, 50 Cross Rd, Marlboro MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 WHAT: Marlborough Town Board WHEN: 7p.m. WHERE: Marlborough Town Hall 21 Milton Tnpk, Milton Highland remembers Vito Dispensa Continued from page 1 who gave the ultimate sacrifice “so you and I could be here today…I want you to appreciate everything you have. God Bless us today and may we look forward to a great America that means so much to all of us.” Fr. Thomas Lutz, of St. Augustine’s, said he recently visited the beaches of Normandy and offered Mass in the “American cemetery where 10,625 of our heroic men and women offered their lives on that horrific day of June 6, 1944 and thereafter for our freedom and the liberation of Europe. So we remember them in a very special way too, their families, their survivors and their loved ones. We remember all Veterans who are struggling, who are homeless, who are forgotten, who are in our VA hospitals and home who are suffering the effects of their battle wounds and we ask that God watch them in a very special way this day.” The Color Guard came to attention as Dusti and Elaine Callo sang the national anthem. Veteran Terri Elia took a few moments to honor Dispensa, saying that when questions arose at Legion meetings, the members always looked to Dispensa for answers. Elia added that as an electrician “there is not a wire in Highland that he hasn’t touched.” Vito Dispensa, a Marine Corps Veteran, worked to ensure that his fellow Vets all received a proper funeral. Legion Commander Dan McLaughlin said “Veterans Day, unlike Memorial Day, celebrates the living…and all branches of the military both past and present, no HOW TO REACH US OFFICE: 300 Stony Brook Court Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 PHONE: (845) 561-0170, FAX: (845) 561-3967 E-Mails may be directed to the following : ADVERTISING [email protected] CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS [email protected] TO REACH THE EDITOR [email protected] FOR THE SPORTS DEPARTMENT [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICES [email protected] WEBSITE The Southern Ulster Times, (USPS 022-586) is a weekly newspaper published every Wednesday at Newburgh, N.Y. 12550, with offices at 300 Stony Brook Court, Newburgh, N.Y. Single copy: $1 at newsstand. By mail i