Southern Ulster Times Nov. 01 2017 | Page 4

4 Southern Ulster Times, Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Marlborough Supervisor race features rematch Continued from page 1 recovery of $50,000 in grant money. He said this money came through NYS Assemblyman Frank Skartados and was earmarked to pay, in part, for the replacement of the Milton Train station roof but it sat in limbo because the previous administration failed to fill out the proper paperwork that was needed. Lanzetta successfully negotiated a long-term water deal with the Town of Newburgh that had built a $20.6 million state-of-the art filtration plant. In the agreement, worked out with Newburgh Supervisor Gil Piaquadio, Marlborough paid back fees of nearly $1million from a dedicated fund balance for water service they received from 2011-2016. Another $250,000 was owed because Newburgh’s water rate had gone up during this period while Marlborough was paying at the old rate. To fix this, Marlborough paid $50,000 in 2016 and agreed to pay it off at $50,000/yr. for the next four years. In addition to these calculations, Lanzetta said Marlborough will pay $175,000/yr. for their water from 2017 through 2031. This portion is being paid for by an increase in water rates to residents. “It supplies Marlborough actually with the best water in the country; it’s just beautiful water. It’s something that had to be done and we did it and got it accomplished,” he said. Lanzetta has taken steps to bring sewer infrastructure to Route 9W, linking up by the traffic light at the Elementary/Middle Schools on up to the Industrial Park at Riverview Drive. NYS Assemblyman Frank Skartados and NYS Sen. William Larkin have collectively secured $500,000 for this infrastructure work. Lanzetta said the Town Board and all of the department heads worked together to bring the 2018 budget in at about 1.9 percent above this year. He pointed out that the Police Department will not be purchasing a new police car and their overall departmental budget has dropped by $5,000 to $1,143,001; there will be an $80,000 reduction in the Highway General Repair line (for paving) bringing this to $367,000. In addition, the Milton Fire District budget has dropped by $32,400 to $570,500. “We’ve streamlined most of every department right down to exactly what they’re using because it’s unsustainable to keep using your fund balance,” he said. Lanzetta pointed out that last year the board tapped $175,000 from the fund balance to offset taxes but in 2018 they will appropriate only $75,000. There is also a 14.23 percent hike in health insurance benefits for employees that is impacting the town budget. Lanzetta said the Town Board works “very hard for the community to keep taxes low and we all have V OTE ROW A BAKER Councilman LANZETTA KOENIG Supervisor Councilman APPLER Hwy. Spt. the same vision about the Route 9W corridor being an economic base and having our farms be pristine to the west. We’re moving forward, we’re business friendly and new businesses over the past 22 months have opened in Marlborough. I can’t emphasize more that it’s a team effort. I am the leadership of the team but without the Town Board behind me and in unison together, especially Alan Koenig and Howard Baker who are running with me, it would be difficult.” Tom Coupart - Republican Tom Coupart is back. He tossed his hat into the political area earlier this year and was later nominated to run for Town Supervisor at the Republican caucus. He said receiving the support at the caucus was “very humbling and I was very, very pleased and excited about getting involved again.” Coupart moved back to his hometown from Florida ostensibly to be near family but found that people frequently stopped by his Western Avenue home to urge him to run again. He previously served as Supervisor from 1998 Continued on page 10