Southern Ulster Times Nov. 01 2017 | Page 2

2 Southern Ulster Times, Wednesday, November 1, 2017 IN THIS ISSUE Calendar..........................................14 Craig McKinney...............................13 Classifieds...................................... 38 Crossword......................................40 Highland......................................... 29 Letters to the Editor.......................12 Marlboro........................................ 28 Obituaries...................................... 24 Opinion.............................................8 Plattekill........................................30 School News...................................48 Service Directory...........................43 Sports............................................52 PUBLIC AGENDA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 WHAT: Lloyd Town Board WHEN: 4 p.m. WHERE: Lloyd Town Hall 12 Church St., Highland WHAT: Plattekill Town Board WHEN: 7p.m. WHERE: Plattekill Town Hall 1915 Rte. 44/55, Modena THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 WHAT: Marlboro School Board WHEN: 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Marlboro Middle School 1375 Rte. 9W, Marlboro TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 WHAT: Highland School Board WHEN: 7 p.m. WHERE: Highland High School 320 Pancake Hollow Rd., Highland HOW TO REACH US OFFICE: 300 Stony Brook Court Newburgh, NY 12550 PHONE: 845-561-0170, FAX: 845-561-3967 Emails may be directed to the following : ADVERTISING [email protected] CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS [email protected] TO REACH THE EDITOR [email protected] FOR THE SPORTS DEPARTMENT [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICES [email protected] WEBSITE The Southern Ulster Times (USPS 022-586) is a weekly newspaper published every Wednesday at Newburgh, N.Y. 12550, with offices at 300 Stony Brook Court, Newburgh, N.Y. Single copy: $1 at newsstand. By mail in Orange, Ulster or Sullivan Counties: $40 annually, $44 out of county. Periodicals permit at Newburgh, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Southern Ulster Times, 300 Stony Brook Court, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550. Plattekill candidates tout their qualifications By MARK REYNOLDS [email protected] Darryl Matthews Republican Darryl Matthews has served on the Plattekill Planning Board for six years and for the first time is running for the Plattekill Town Board. M a t t h e w s owns and runs the Modena Country Club, a local manufactured h o u s i n g community of 128 lots “and because I am constantly dealing with budgets, utilities and other companies and always negotiating, that’s basically what the Town Board does by always trying to save the town money. That’s what I am all about; I am trying to make it so we can all survive in this town.” Matthews said controlling taxes is the number one priority for the Town Board, followed by ensuring emergency services for the seniors, care for veterans and providing recreation opportunities for the children in the community. Matthews said he would work with developers to streamline the process when they propose a project in town. “It’s a partnership and trying to work together as much as we can with businesses, with the town and with the residents so we get the businesses they’re looking for; we’re hearing people want a restaurant, a laundromat, a car wash, things like that.” Matthews said if elected he will bring his communication skills to the board and to try to see what people have in common first and then work on the things people may disagree on, realizing that both sides have to compromise usually to get something through to make all sides happy or at least willing to move forward. Dean DePew Republican Dean DePew is running for re-election to the Town Board for a second, four year term.