Southern Ulster Times Apr. 19 2107 | Page 2

Southern Ulster Times , Wednesday , April 19 , 2017
Calendar .......................................... 12 Craig McKinney ................................ 9 Classifieds ...................................... 30 Crossword ...................................... 32 Highland ......................................... 23 Letters to the Editor ........................ 8 Marlboro ........................................ 22 Obituaries ...................................... 37 Opinion ............................................. 8 Police Blotter ................................... 4 School News ................................... 25 Service Directory ........................... 34 Sports ............................................ 40

Honor Society students visit Milton seniors

WEDNESDAY , APRIL 19 Lloyd Town Board , 7 p . m ., Lloyd Town Hall , 12 Church St ., Highland . Plattekill Town Board , 7 p . m ., Plattekill Town Hall , 1915 Rte . 44 / 55 , Modena
THURSDAY , APRIL 20 Marlboro School Board , 7:30 p . m ., Marlborough Town Hall , 21 Milton Tnpk , Milton . Public Informational meeting on Local Waterfront Revitalization & Comprehensive Plan , 6-8 p . m . Marlboro Middle School cafeteria , 1375 Rte . 9W , Marlboro .
Highland School Board Member Heather Welch abstained from the vote on the school construction project phases 1b3 and 1b2 . The information was incorrect in last week ’ s issue .
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A quartet of Marlboro High School National Honor Society students helped several seniors at the Milton Harvest Senior Housing Center color eggs for the Easter season . Students pictured L-R Rachael DeBenedictus , Madison Doran , Natasha Borchert and John Perugino .
By MARK REYNOLDS mreynolds @ tcnewspapers . com


group of Marlboro High School National Honor Society students paid a visit to the Milton Harvest Senior Housing Center to celebrate the Easter Season .
Richard Gerentine , proprietor of the 47-bed senior living center , said a requirement of being a member of the Honor Society is performing community service .
“ The ones here are doing Easter egg coloring today . They have done various other things like purchasing personal hygiene products for the seniors ,” he said . “ They went out and got donations and selected six to eight items that the seniors like and put bags together and distributed them to the people .”
Gerentine said the students receive credit and the seniors enjoy coloring eggs . He said the seniors participate in bingo and puzzle game nights , play cards together , take tai chi classes or watch television .
Natasha Borchert said the honor society requires students to do Independent Service Projects [ ISP ].
“ There are a few different groups who do things with the ASPCA , they do blood drives and for our project this year we did it with Jenny ’ s Garden . Part of our project is having little parties around Christmas time and throughout the year and we also do the hygiene pantries . We fundraise and go to the store and we buy soap , shampoo , toothpaste and we set up a little table and the residents can come down and grab certain hygiene products .”
Rachael DeBenedictus said they were thinking of running a game night and providing deserts for the seniors .
Madison Doran said this is her first year in National Honor Society and next year they will pick a different project . She said besides the ISP work they are also required to perform 20 hours of community service during the year .
Borchert described what is required of membership .
“ Basically we have to uphold our grades and just be honorable members of the school and keep up that reputation ,” she said .
The students said it is difficult to get into and stay in the Society . A 90 or above grade point average is required and an application must be filled out that attests to a students leadership qualities and highlights past community service . To stay in a student must participate in the ISP and attend monthly meetings of the Society that are run by Special Education Teacher Janice DeQuarto .
Doran said , “ You feel good to do things like this and give back to the community . That ’ s what its all about .”
John Perugino was inducted into the National Honor Society in 2016 and said it is fun and rewarding to participate in the service projects .
Senior Shirley Ruland has been a resident at Milton Harvest for three years and has recently come out for events put on by the Honor Society .
“ Its nice and I think they do nice things ,” she said .
Ruland gave a hearty laugh when she saw that her friend was decorating her fingers as well as the eggs for Easter .