Southern Ulster Times Apr. 05 2017

T IMES SOUTHERN ULSTER Vol. 14, No 14 3 APRIL 5 - APRIL 11, 2017 3 Huskies win opener Future leaders gather Page 36 Page 18 ONE DOLLAR SERVING HIGHLAND, MARLBOROUGH AND PLATTEKILL Legislation Serving the public for 29 years targets fuel UNICO hosts annual St. Joseph’s Day dinner barges in Hudson River By MARK REYNOLDS [email protected] Andy Bicking, Director of Public Policy & Special Projects for the environmental organization Scenic Hudson, thanked Representatives Eliot Engel [NY-16] and Sean Patrick Maloney [NY-18] for reintroducing the Hudson River Protection Act, calling this legislation an essential safeguard for Hudson River communities “against the U. S. Coast Guard’s proposal to permit 10 new anchorages and 43 berths for crude- oil carrying vessels on the Hudson River.” The proposal would string these new sites along the river from Kingston to Yonkers. Presently, there are two areas where only a few barges anchor – Hyde Park and Yonkers. In a prepared statement Bicking highlighted the risks of the Coast Guard’s plan. “The Coast Guard’s ill-conceived proposal would impact half a dozen drinking water intakes that are in close proximity to the proposed anchorage sites and present a major threat to public safety, with the Indian Point nuclear power plant a few miles downstream. It Continued on page 5 The Zambito family all pitched in at the dinner. Pictured L-R Kerry, Erin, Shawn, John, Dave, Emma, Virginia and Colleen. By MARK REYNOLDS [email protected] For the past 29 years the local Marlboro chapter of UNICO has been serving a multi-course dinner in honor of St. Joseph’s Day as a way to raise funds for individuals in need and for various charities in town. There was not an empty seat at St. Mary’s parish hall on Saturday evening where the dinner was served, starting WWW.SOUTHERNULSTERTIMES.COM with salad, followed by a pasta dish with meatballs and sausage, hot peppers, a side of fennel and the piece de resistance, Chicken Marsala. Coffee, pastry and Sambuca topped off the meal. Continued on page 2