Southern Ulster Times Apr. 04 2018 | Page 4

Southern Ulster Times , Wednesday , April 4 , 2018

Marlborough Fire District hosts inspection dinner

Continued from page 3
Ciaglia received the Top Responder Award and Anthony Libonati was given the Top Responder for a Driver ; Frank Williams got the Top Responder for the Fire Police ; Top Responder for an Officer went to Lenny Scaturro ; David Greenwood received the Rookie of the Year award and the Line Officer Award went to Daniel Spangler . Masten said the coveted Firefighter of the Year Award is given to an individual “ who goes above and beyond and puts forth extra effort for calls , drills and all the other miscellaneous things that come up and this goes to Michael Scaturro .”
Peggy Libonati closed the presentation portion of
Continued from page 1 maintenance .
On the far western side of the parcel , 7.4 acres of wetlands that have been designated by the Army Corps of Engineers will remain untouched . The main entrance in to the development will be from Route 9W at the traffic light that is opposite the elementary school , with the first 750 feet a town road and the remainder as private . The developer is also proposing to provide a driveway that will service the Middle School and will meet at this same light on Rte . 9W as well as an additional 28 parking spaces along the existing school driveway .
The developer is also proposing a 2.4 acre lot that fronts onto Route 9W for future commercial development . The plans show a 12,600 sq / ft two-story building , which may receive a Business Overlay District designation .
The project is to be built in sequence , starting with the clearing of 8.2 acres followed by the installation of the roadway and storm water areas . Construction of the buildings will then commence along with the requisite utilities . The last portion will be the commercial segment facing Rte . 9W , however there are no interested tenants at this time . A landscaping plan across the parcel has also been developed .
The Town Engineer noted that this project was subject to a full environmental review and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement [ DEIS ]. Additionally a Final Environmental Impact Statement [ FEIS ] and findings were adopted by the Town Board , who were the lead agency for this project , ensuring that all environmental issues had been fully vetted prior to the public site plan hearing process .
Matt Kierstead , who is involved in economic and historic matters in town , said , “ I don ’ t oppose the project [ and ] I think its great that we ’ re getting some residential density that ’ s in the hamlet .” In addition , he advocated for saving a WWI era structure that is on the property .
Patrick Witherow , Director of Business and Finance for the Marlboro School District , said the school supports the project and believes they will see improvements to their flow of traffic and enhancements to safety at the Middle School with this project .
Sheila Mannese warned that the number of additional vehicles generated by this project could significantly impact travel in the hamlet and may effect the aesthetics of the area . She urged the board to “ look at the big picture ” of what could potentially happen in the future .
Bonnie and Rosemary Lyons said they are worried that the evening with a prayer , asking God “ to bless these firefighters who so generously devote themselves to helping others . Grant them courage when they are afraid , wisdom when they must make quick decisions , strength when they are weary and compassionate in all their work . Each day , Lord , may your wisdom guide them , your encouragement uplift them and your love comfort them . May the past be a belated benediction on the present and may the present be a radiant searchlight on thy future and the future be a haven of well earned rest and may the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each and every one of you now and forevermore . Amen .”

104 apartments planned for 9W area

this project will significantly interfere with their deeded right of access to a water supply that is on the proposed development site . They submitted documentation to the Planning Board to back their claim .
Peter Herbst questioned “ Why that spot for that project ?” especially with two schools in close proximity and on “ the busiest road in the world , Rte . 9W .”
“ It seems ridiculous to go through this whole thing so you can put five buildings up there ; it doesn ’ t seem like it makes any sense ... This is going to be a big problem before it ’ s over .”
The developer has stated that this project will generate 20 school age children , a figure Herbst questioned .
“ Who would have a three bedroom apartment without a couple of kids ? I think you ’ re figuring a little low ,” he said .
Vincent Porcelli asked the board to consider the destruction that may occur next to a given project and what recourse an individual has to either stop it or receive help from the town .
Porcelli said law enforcement should pay close attention to see if sex offenders are living in this project who could jeopardize the safety of the children in the immediate area and in the community at large .
Richard Gerentine said if any project is planning to build in phases , “ how are we assured that the work ’ s going to be completed ?” He said the Planning Board can control the different phases so , “ we don ’ t have a whole area that ’ s disturbed and five or six years later it ’ s still disturbed and looks like an eyesore for the neighbors .” He said even if this project is not built in phases there is no time guarantee of when they have to finish construction , with the town engineer in agreement , saying “ It ’ s strictly market driven .” The developer , however , said the intent is to build each building one after the other , which may take from 2 to 3 years .
Jo Giunta said getting out of Purdy Avenue now is problematic and with this new project added , “ Purdy Avenue is going to be a mess to take a left hand turn out of and that ’ s anytime during the day , not just in the morning or the afternoon . What is the town going to be doing so we don ’ t get stuck ?”
By a vote of 4-3 the board closed the Public Hearing and set April 16 as the deadline for the acceptance of written comments . In favor of closing the hearing were Steve Clarke , Cindy Lanzetta , Joel Truncali and Joseph Lofaro . Those in the minority who voted to keep it open until the next meeting were Ben Trapani , Manny Cauchi and Chairman Chris Brand .

Police Blotter

Darren J . Olympia , 23 , of Newburgh , was arrested on an arrest warrant for felony Burglary 3rd degree and felony Criminal Mischief 2nd degree . He was arraigned before Town of Lloyd Judge Rizzo and remanded to the Ulster County Jail on $ 3,500 cash bail , $ 25,000 insurance bond . He is due back in Town Court later this month .
Amanda S . Lipstein , 26 . of Newburgh , was arrested March 30 and charged with Driving While Intoxicated after the vehicle she was operating was stopped for traffic violations on Rte . 44 / 55 in Highland . She was arraigned before Town of Lloyd Judge Rizzo and released and is due back in Town Court April 10 .
William H . Koch , 55 , of Hyde Park , was arrested March 29 and charged with Driving While Intoxicated after the vehicle he was operating was stopped on Rte . 9W in Highland for traffic violations . He was released on tickets and is due in Town Court April 12 .
Babatunde I . Dawodu , 31 , of Wappinger Falls was arrested April 1 and charged with Driving While Intoxicated after the vehicle he was operating was stopped for traffic violations on Rte . 299 in Highland . Dawodu was released on tickets and is due in Town Court April 26 .
TOWN OF MARLBOROUGH A 17 year-old from Plattekill was arrested March 23 and under the Mental Hygiene Law was transported and released to a 3rd Party – the Mid Hudson Regional Hospital
Christopher A . Brolsma , 23 , of Marlboro , was arrested March 24 and charged with Criminal Possession Weapon Firearm / Knife . He was released on his own recognizance and was due in Town Court April 3 .
J . D . Vergarayortega , 35 , of Newburgh , was arrested March 24 and charged with Driving a Motor Vehicle W / O Proper License , Use Leased / Rented / Loaned Vehicle / Loaned Without Interlock Device . Vergarayortega was released on own recognizance and is due in Town Court April 11 .
Leonary A . Santiago , 23 , of Marlboro , was arrested March 25 and charged with Driving While Intoxicated – 1st Offense . He was arraigned March 25 and released on his own recognizance . Santiago is due in Town Court April 17 .
Jalil M . Lashley , 29 , of Poughkeepsie was arrested March 16 and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle ; Failure to dim Lights ; Unlawful Possession of Marijuana ; and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance . He was arraigned on March 16 and sent to the Ulster County Jail on $ 1,000 Cash Bail / $ 5,000 Secure Bond .
Joanne M . Allemant , 47 , of Marlboro was arrested March 16 on a Police Officer ’ s Executed Warrant for Arrest . Allemant was released to a 3rd party – the Montgomery State Police .
Tramayne A . Holmes , 36 , of Milton , was arrested March 18 and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 2nd . He was released on his own recognizance and is due in Town Court April 11 .
A 14 year-old from Marlboro was arrested March 19 and under the Mental Hygiene Law was transported and released to a 3rd Party – the Mid Hudson Regional Hospital
A 17 year-old from Milton was arrested March 19 and under the Mental Hygiene Law was transported and released to a 3rd Party – the Mid Hudson Regional Hospital .
Corey R . Lawson , 23 , of Marlboro was arrested March 20 and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle 3rd ; Stop / Stand / Park Violation on Highway and Operator Leaves Scene of Property Damage Accident . Lawson was released on his own recognizance and is due in Town Court April 17 .
Edgar A . Alvarez , 35 , of Newburgh was arrested March 22 and charged with Aggravated Operation of a Motor Vehicle 3rd . He was released on his own recognizance and is due in Town Court April 11 .