Southern Spirit June 17, 2016 | Page 4


Cadet awards

Second-year cadets

Commissioner ’ s Award Cadet Chris Doborwicz Runner-up : Cadet Whitney Tomberlain
Principal ’ s Award Cadet Will Conley Runner-up : Cadet Paula Blevins
Israel L . and Eva D . Gaither Scholarship Award Cadets Bryan and Tonya Farrington
John and Helen Rhea Stumbo Bible Award Cadet Timothy Blevins Runner-up : Cadet Andrea Israel
June 17 , 2016
( Left ) Commissioners Don and Debi Bell flank Commissioner ’ s Award winner Cadet Chris Doborwicz . ( Below ) Evangeline Booth College Principal Major Dean Hinson with Cadet Will Conley , winner of the Principal ’ s Award .
Brengle Award Cadet Andrea Israel Runner-up : Cadet Will Conley
Sidney Cox Award Cadet Shin Young Yoo Runner-up : Cadet Mike McGee
Allison Hogue
Scholastic Award ( Highest GPA over two years of training ) Cadet Timothy Blevins Runner-up : Cadet Andrea Israel
Max and Lennie Feener Scholarship Award Cadets Jared and Rachel Martin
Jon Bradbury Memorial Communications Award Cadet Pil Mo Kang
Ralph and Ann Glendinning Scholar Award Cadets Chantel Millin and Chris Raymer
Major Robert Taylor Memorial Guitar Award Cadet Jared Martin

Silver Star

The messages we receive growing up aren ’ t always verbal . In fact , it ’ s rarely the words that impact us most – it ’ s the actions .
When Cadet Elyse Doborwicz gave the Messengers of Light tribute at the 2016 Fellowship of the Silver Star Luncheon Friday , June 3 , she voiced the effect of honorees on those who would soon be commissioned officers .
“ It ’ s a privilege … to thank our honorees for the impact they ’ ve had on our lives ,” she said . Cadet Doborwicz referenced that she comes from a long line of Salvationists , choking up a bit when she mentioned that later that day , her six-week-old daughter would be dedicated under the Blood & Fire flag . “ Later this afternoon my daughter will be dedicated to the Lord , representing the seventh generation of raising kids in The Salvation Army .”
While Cadet Doborwicz ’ s parents , Paula and Paul Bridges , both employees of The Salvation Army , were honorees at the luncheon , it wasn ’ t their first proverbial trip to the rodeo . They were also honored when sons Lieutenant Ben and Lieutenant Nathan Bridges were commissioned with previous sessions . Cadet Doborwicz said that while her parents didn ’ t talk to their children much about serving with The Salvation Army when they were growing up , they did emphasize the importance of serving wherever God leads .
Warrior Spirit of Evangelism Award Messengers of Light Cadet Chris Doborwicz Runner-up : Cadet Tim Blevins

First-year cadets

C . M . Gooch Award ( Highest GPA over first year of training ) Cadet Laura Gesner Runner-up : Cadet Carla Raymer
Warrior Session Spirit of Evangelism Award Joyful Intercessors Cadet Gavin Yeatts Runner-up : Cadet Sonya Smith

Doborwicz brings to light honorees ’ impact , charges cadets to carry same influence

It wasn ’ t so much their words , but their actions , that told the story of dedication to the Lord .
“ Because of their influence in our lives , all three of their children are committed to the last , the lost and the least of these ,” said Cadet Doborwicz . Addressing the other honorees in attendance , she said , “ Because of your influence , there are 62 Messengers of Light eager to live out the message of The Salvation Army . If it weren ’ t for the love and compassion you ’ ve shown us , the encouragement and advice you shared with us … we would not be here today .”
After honorees were given their Silver Star pins , Doborwicz and her mother Paula shared about how Elyse wasn ’ t always keen on becoming an officer . Paula explained , “ After her second brother decided to be an officer she came to me and was so mad . She thought everyone assumed she ’ d want to be an officer and she didn ’ t .”
It wasn ’ t until 2012 that Elyse was even open to the idea of officership . “ My relationship with God developed ,” she said , “ and I realized that if I wanted to do what he wanted , I had to at least be open to the idea of whatever he called me to do .”
Shortly after meeting her now husband , Chris Doborwicz , Elyse said she prayed about whether or not he was the right person for her to marry . She knew he had been called to become a Salvation Army officer . She prayed and
( L-R ) Lieutenants Nathan and Kelsey Bridges , Lieutenant Elyse Doborwicz , Lieutenant Chris Doborwicz , Paula Bridges , Paul Bridges and Lieutenants Ben and Annie Bridges .
asked that the Lord open her heart to officership if she was meant to be with Chris . That prayer would be answered soon enough .
Paula Bridges still remembers the day – a few weeks before Elyse decided to pursue officership – talking with Elyse in the kitchen about how she didn ’ t feel called to Salvation Army offiership . But Elyse quickly interjected , “ That was before I started to pray about it .” A few weeks later , after praying , Elyse knew she too was called to submit her life to serving others as a Salvation Army officer .
When asked what she ’ s most excited about in officership , Elyse said , “ It ’ s exciting now that our baby was born six weeks ago – we ’ re starting off together in this ministry as a family .”
No doubt , the Doborwiczs ’ influence will continue to carry weight in their young daughter ’ s life , just as the Silver Star honorees carried such great impact in the lives of the 62 Messengers of Light – and the newly commissioned lieutenants will continue to influence the lives of everyone they meet , loving inclusively , serving helpfully and discipling effectively wherever they are .