Southern Plug Magazine Pride Issue 2022 ft Street Vol 7 Issue 3 Cover 3 | Page 10

Q . What is it about you that you think your core audience connects with the most ? A . Many people adore my genuinity personality and strategic business mind . I have a genuine passion to see my team and partners succeed their greatness as I ' m accomplishing my goals .
Q . Dyamond Huntaz is a management company right ? Who are you currently managing and what do you guys have brewing for the people ? A . Currently Dyamond Huntaz is not managing anyone just have some AWESOME ambassadors and partners that keeps me busy like .... my goals with Southern Plug and my ultimate goal is Models of the Carolinas PLUS many more projects .
Q . What is the biggest obstacle you ' ve had to face in the entertainment industry as a member of the LBGTQ + Community ? A . Never had to face much obstacles as a member of the LGBTQ community but as a woman in the industry . Many men love to take a woman for granted when he see her dominating the industry . They either use sexual advantages or vigorous acts towards her . She must be able to endure but not devalue herself to FIT IN !
Q . Do you feel that your journey maybe harder than others in your field because of your sexual orientation ? A . Once again not so much as my sexual orientation but gender . A woman have to be fearless and ambitious to keep going despite the odds .
Q . Many people think that we as creatives only do what we do for fame or the bag so to speak . But , as a creative myself I happen to know that there is a sense of purpose driving our abmitions and goals . What would you say is your purpose for doing what you do ? A . My sole purpose is to be able to duplicate myself in the right individuals . Give hope to the fallen soldiers or individuals who are seriously looking to another opportunity in life .
Q . What would you tell a little boy or girl just like you that maybe has dreams of following in your footsteps so to speak ? A . Stay tuned for Dyamond Huntaz Foundation that will offer that opportunity to them .
Q . Ok thats it for this Southern Plug Exclusive with Reject Davis . Tell my readers how they can find you online ; Social media , Website , music pages etc ? A . Follow me on social media # dyamondhuntaz Or www . dhtalents . com . Legal assistance ecgllc . wearelegalshield . com .