MEET ourteam
OurMedical Clinic is proud to offer extended office hours , including convenientSaturday morning hourstoaccommodatebusyschedules . To schedule an appointment , call 641-932-7172 .
Jennifer Archer , ARNP MedicalClinic |
Tanner Crossley , DO MedicalClinic |
AlexCuriel , MD MedicalClinic |
Joshua Harris , DO Medical Clinic |
KendraMartin , DO MedicalClinic
Lori Vitko , DNP , FNP-BC MedicalClinic
Beth Grimes , ARNP MedicalClinic
OurEmergency Departmentisequipped with the latestmedical equipmentand highly skilled staff that areready to respond quickly . Incase of an emergency , please call 911 .
Jennifer Archer , ARNP Emergency Services |
BryonBellinger , ARNP Emergency Services |
Nicola Preston , DO Emergency Services |
Darci Fuller , ARNP Emergency Services |
Nermin Imsirovic , ARNP Emergency Services |
Jeff Sisul , ARNP Emergency Services |
BryceSunderman , ARNP Emergency Services
Healthcare made pe
12 • 2023 Southern Iowa Medical Directory