a lot and would like to continue that
passion. Maybe some day I’ll become a
chef and open my own restaurant with
culinary and pastry options. But music
is my main focus these days.
Do you write your own music?
What inspires you?
Yeah, I do. I listen to a lot of different
music for inspiration. Old music and
music in the now, I always conjure up
everything together to mold it into one.
I like drawing from life experience, it’s
like journaling to me. Every day I write
something – or some days something
short and simple will come to me and I
write it down. Then a month or so later
I will turn it into something else and it
will just grow and morph into a song.
What is it about YOUR lyrics do
you feel your audience will
relate too?
I go through all sorts of things day to
day. In my song “Everything You Like”
It’s about me attempting to connect
with a girl I really like and I can clearly
tell, is having a tough time going
through a breakup, and her girlfriends
are no help to her at all. I want people
to know that they are not alone in their
problems, we all go through things…
I want my audience to feel like I’m
helping them get through things.
What are your immediate
goals in the next year?
To get more exposure, perform a lot
more, get my EP album done and do
well in school. I want to be able to
graduate in a few years.
If you were to release you EP
what image would you want to
present to the world. Who is
I sing about my life as a teenager,
hopefully things that even kids and
adults can relate to as well. Soulful
fun stuff to listen to that is all real. I
want people to enjoy listening to me,
identify with the song and maybe just
be taken away from their day for few
Ever think about
getting a tattoo?
Yeah. I don’t know what it will be yet but
I know I want it up the side (gestures to
side of his ribcage). Probably a quote,
But I only want to get a tattoo when I
have identified something that means
a lot to me. I don’t want to get a tattoo
just to have one. I want it to mean
something. Something I can be proud
of the rest of my life.
Any performances coming up
we should know about?
I actually I have a tour coming up for
Tunes for Tots which is affiliated with
the Make a Wish Foundation.
Do you often use your music to
give back to the Community?
Yeah, I am a big believer in using
my music to help others. I have also
done performances for the ASPCA in
Massachusetts, Bikers against Drugs,
and Shriners Hospit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