Who have you been collaberating
with on the upcoming album and on
your other projects?
How can people find out more info
about what’s going on with you?
“Be on the lookout with me on Facebook,
“ I’ve been working with Snoop, Daz, Kurrupt
Chris Fontes. Check out my twitter
Percy, P Rmm,Big A, Redman, Sean Price
tattoopaperrock and my instagram is @
Rockness Monstah, celebrity tattoo artist
tattoo18766. Ya boy Tattoo is taking over
“Bazzaar’ from Ink Kandy Tattoo Shop in
the world right now! Hit me up. I’m not
Hollywood. Been doing music with my big
‘Hollywood’, I talk back to all my fans, I even
brotha Spliffstar from Paperrock/Flipmode
chill with them.
Alright cool. Well we’re
filming Music for the
to My Mom Lynn
winding it down. Close it out
Freak Show in Venice
and My Big Sister
Beach, CA. Working with
Heather. It’s cuz
Tattoo Shows, Tattoo
“Imma keep it short. Look for Tattoo
of these ladies
After Dark.”
in a few more magazines. Shout
that I am who I
out to Fidel of Fleetteam Black Mob
Sounds like you’ve
am. Love you guys.
in Rhode Island, Johnny Walker in
been running at
Tattoo, I’m out!
Rhode Island, my homie Story Less,
full speed.
my home Juan Mennacrus at Knock
“Yea, I’ve been real busy, got a buffet of
‘Em Dead Clothing. To the whole Alkaholik
work right now. Just rocked out “Rock the
Crew: Tashhh, j-Ro, E Swift. Big Shout out to
Bells’ with Sean P and “ How the West Was
my homie Kane, owner of Shradder Clothing.
Won’ concert. Killed at ‘Payed Dues’ as well.
Toall my fam around the world who believed
Definately more to come too.”
in Tatto,I’m here putting in work. Time fo ?????Z[?][??????[X?\??L????]\??[??Y??L??