Southern Indiana Business September/ October 2022 | Page 31


Legacy of Excellence

W hen our Dad , Jim Padgett was a student at New Albany High School , he was already planning to open his own welding business ; and in 1960 , working from his home , his dream became his full-time reality .

The equipment soon outgrew the confines of a home . In 1962 , our official anniversary , Jim opened his first shop at 421 West Main Street in New Albany and Padgett Welding , Inc . was founded by Jim and his wife , our Mom , Beverly who worked alongside her husband , running the office , keeping the books , picking up parts and taking great care of their children .
A twelve or even a sixteen hour day was routine for Jim Padgett as well as working on holidays . Year after year , all through our lives , he did whatever it took to get the job done .
When we were very young , Saturday was a workday for us . We started out assembling the bolts , nuts and washers together so that the Ironworker would have all three pieces needed without having to search for individual parts . Later , our workdays became the days we were off from school and we worked after school as well . This was not ‘ busy ’ work , our labor was needed . We would sweep the floors , do yardwork , wash and wax equipment and sand on equipment to prepare it for painting .
Through hard work , dedication , and long hours , our family business thrived .
Over the years , the services of Padgett , Inc . expanded by necessity to meet the needs of our diversified , industrial customers to include Crane Service ,
Steel Fabrication & Erection , Machinery Installation , Heavy Rigging and Warehousing .
Our Fabrication Plant was built in 1986 and that is where we remain today , on East Fourth Street , in the heart of downtown New Albany . Upon the death of our parents , Padgett , Inc . is now owned by the second generation , their three children : Laura Bierman , Jimmy Padgett and Robin Lukowski and we diligently strive to always live up to their high standards of excellence .
The services we provide are very specialized . The professionals who have the skills , experience , certifications , and dedication are few and far between and in demand . Today , our single greatest challenge remains finding employees who are interested in our work and are willing to join us in our way of life .
A family business is not for everyone . All family members must be willing to do ‘ whatever it takes ’, and to commit to open and honest communication at all times . The mentality of a family business owner must be to work as if you are the employee who answers to a boss . It just so happens that in a family business , it is the other family members who are the bosses of each other .
We are so proud of the company our parents built . It is amazing to us that Dad started out fabricating steel for the local area and today we have shipped our steel to every continent except Antarctica !
We are looking forward to the future , investing today into the next generation of the family of Jim and Beverly Padgett .
901 E . Fourth Street New Albany , IN ( 800 ) 347-3415 padgett-inc . com