Gavan Hebner Brooke Miller
It has been nothing but amazing to see
our community come together to support
our healthcare workers and first respond-
ers. I have seen companies and individu-
als donate their time or money to supply
our frontline personnel with protective
equipment, additional help or a meal. I
would also tell them that this area has a
great group of healthcare workers and first
responders, and that they care about their
community members. Even during these
trying times, they are still performing
with the highest level of professionalism
and with the greatest amount of empa-
thy. Southern Indiana truly shows what
it means to have Hoosier Spirit and I am
proud to be a member of Clark County. regulations of the state and CDC
and the undeniable shortage of
PPE. I’m trying my best to keep
the families updated. The nurses
are also making extra phone calls to
reassure their loved ones are taken
care of and comforted during this
challenging time.
On a brighter note, I’m trying to
soak up as much family time as I
can on the weekends, while they are
uninterrupted by sports, complet-
ing school projects and other prior
commitments. Our children are
enjoying the creative social distanc-
ing activities that our neighborhood
has put together. I am proud to be a
May / June 2020
part of Southern Indiana. Our com-
munity has really rallied together.
I have witnessed businesses take
leadership to produce equipment
needed to take care of the COVID-
19 victims as we prepare to take on
this mass crisis that lies ahead.
My advice for future generations
regarding COVID-19, do not go out
and stockpile all the essentials. It
causes more unnecessary disrup-
tions in our community, especially
to our elders that are living on fixed
incomes. And when the Gover-
nor enforces social distancing, IT
get through this TOGETHER!