Jason Dailey
Owner of Dailey
Wellness & Massage
Animals have always had
such a big spot in my heart. In
addition to our human clients,
lol, animals deserve just as
much wellness. My husband and
I have been volunteers with the
J.B. Ogle Animal Shelter since
the summer of 2019. We show
up on weekends to take the dogs
out on field trips to allow them a
chance to have some interaction
and love away from the shelter
environment. We even hosted a Thanksgiving Meal for all the pups this past
November where we all gathered together with turkey and all the fixings. We
supplied tons of treats for the cats and even bought every dog in the shelter
“Adopt Me” bandanas in hopes to help more of them find their homes. Of course
each dog that I got paired with got some extra pets and massage, too.
How has the coronavirus outbreak impacted your life most and
what will you tell future generations about COVID-19 from your
The coronavirus has impacted my life most by bringing everything to a com-
plete halt. My business, Dailey Wellness & Massage, has had our doors closed
since March 17th. I carry the weight on my shoulders of both wanting to be a
source of wellness and healing for the community, especially during this height-
ened stress time, while also doing what is socially responsible in preventing the
spread of the virus. My husband, who is a real estate agent and hairstylist with
Ritual Salon in Jeffersonville, has also come to a complete standstill as well.
This virus has deeply impacted us financially and we are working and staying
strong together to keep our businesses afloat.
To future generations, as scary and uncertain as this time has been, the awak-
ening that’s been happening and realizing that WE are in this together is incred-
ible. We can all play a part in shaping not just how our lives turn out, but in how
others we don’t even know can live. We can all work together and, in times of
crisis, sacrifice a little all together for the greater good of the whole. Yes, my
business focuses on our own personal wellness, but when we shift that focus
to include helping take care of the wellness of the world together, we can all of
us find a well-lived life. Work together and be well.
May / June 2020