Southern Holiday Life 2020 | Page 13

many stories of the Vietnam war from those that truly fought in it , even when so many did . And the worst part of it all , there are many that didn ’ t serve and said they did . Or maybe they had served stateside or in a non-combat position but said they were in combat . I ’ m sure that over the years I ’ ve met such people and didn ’ t know it at the time but there are no bigger cowards and traitors to this country than those who claim sacrifices they made for our country that were never made . There are actual laws , punishable as a felony that would put these guys behind bars and if I learn of one , I would be the first to turn them in .
Each person I interview , has to give me a copy of his DD form 214 . This is the truth of what he did . There are a rare few that , because of national security , won ’ t have this information on that form but in my lifetime , I have met just one and doubt I ’ ll meet another . Of the few WWII vets I ’ ve written about , it took effort for them to speak of it . The first thing I would always hear is “ talk to the ones that didn ’ t come home , they are the heroes ”. And that is what most men , and women , would say that truly were in the thrashes of war . But as I said , many wouldn ’ t talk about it . The reason they wouldn ’ t talk about it is simple . For decades those memories were so painful and hard to forget that they felt bringing them to the surface may be more than they could take and I can totally understand that . But then there are the ones that realize if they don ’ t share some of the pain that is war , then the young will not completely understand what costs they made for freedom . Maybe the young can be the ones to bring peace just from this knowledge . It is my hope .
I guess I am setting you up for the stories I am going to tell in the next few issues . I just hope that those that go home in the cool months take time to go online to www . lakewedoweelife . com and continue to read them . Not for me , but as a way to really understand war ’ s sacrifice from people that live right here in our community , and yours , wherever you are , and respect what they did for us to wake up in our warm beds and feel safe living in the greatest country this Earth has ever had . I will interview anyone , as long as I know it is real and truthful , backed by their service record .
There will be a few stories that I will tell of Vietnam , given to me by the ones that lived it but I want to share the first one I was ever told .
After a two year stint in Europe in the Air Force , I was sent to the frozen hell of North Dakota . On arrival , I immediately went to the base hospital and had them treat the worst ear infection of my life . Then they sent me to the base motel for 2 days while I was being processed in and assigned a barracks to live in . I was told I may have a roommate at the motel and they were right . When I opened the door , the lights were out and I was told to leave them (“ the hell ”) out by the guy sitting on one of the