South & North Laurel High School Graduation 2020 | Page 28

WNLHS Morgan Vaughn Brooklyn Venable John Votolato Alex Wagers Angel Wagers Zackary Walden Shiann Washington Josiah Wathen Logan Weaver Braxton Wells Autumn Whitis Cameron Whittemore Jessica Wiggins Jasey Williams Kaitlyn Winland Josie Woods Tiffany Wright YNLHS Amanda Young There were no photographs for the following students: Kevin Bradley, Yasmine Hawkins, Christopher Hinkle, Asia Smith, Ronald Sparks III, Hunter Ward Hats Off to Our Grads! We’re proud of you, graduates! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we wish you success and prosperity in all of your future endeavors. May all of your hopes and dreams come true. 606-878-6540 1223 South Main Street London, KY Page 28 — The Sentinel-Echo • Graduation 2020