South magazine 72: Travel & Adventure Issue | Page 16

ISSUE #72 CONTENTS 36 92 50 100 160 Lynn Avenue Kebe Following the release of their latest EP, Never Been to Nashville, Savannah- based Americana group Lyn Avenue discusses their musical reinvention. As a passionate sky surfer, Keith Snyder, known as Kebe, found solace and escape during 1,000-foot free falls. That’s just one way to get the adrenaline pumping. BNB Paradise Undercover ATF Agent This couple has taken Airbnb and the internet by storm with their unforgettable, whimsical homes that you truly have to see to believe. Lou Valoze worked under the alias Sal Nunziato during his time as an ATF Agent. His double life got tons of dangerous criminals off the streets. 40 – T R A V E L I N G I N S T Y L E : G U L F S T R E A M Breakfast Club Whether you consider yourself a morning person or not, you’ll definitely want to wake up early enough to try out these amazing Savannah breakfast spots. IN SAVANNA H, GEORGIA publisher & creative director Michael Brooks sales manager Mariel Tillet account executives Emily Stamper, Josh Flores, contributing editor Mary Henderson office manager/circulation Jessica Muller, Becky Keen art director Julius Woodard advertising art director Josh Barrett web editor Sloane JESSE’S BACK! PAGE 44 Frederick fashion editor Emily Bargeron copy editor Maude Campbell contributing writers Mary Henderson, Justin Jarrett, Barry Kaufman, Kelly Harley, Paula Wallace, Jim Reed, D. Paul Graham, Andrea Johnson, Virginia Chamlee contributing photographers Geoff L Johnson, D. Paul Graham, John Alexander, Blake Crosby, Bobby Hill, Jon Waites, Beau Kester, Calvin Parker, Traci Scarpati, Shanna Dunlap, Michael Hrizuk, Jason Dewey, Darla Clarkson photography intern Ashta Harler marketing intern Julianna Nadel. South magazine is published bimonthly by Bad Ink, (Brooks Advertising Design, Inc.). Views expressed in the editorial pages do not imply our endorsement. Please forward inquiries to Editor, South magazine, 116 Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia 31401. We cannot be responsible for unsolicited product samples. Subscription rates: U.S.: $19 for one year; $28 for two years; single copies: $4.95. Change of address notice: six to eight weeks prior to moving, please clip the mailing label from the most recent issue and send it along with your new address to: South magazine, Change of Address Notice, 116 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401, attn: Circulation | South magazine: A Division of Bad Ink, phone: 912.236.5501 f