South magazine 69: Power Issue | Page 10

ISSUE #69 CONTENTS 1/2 Features > 43 THE MEANING OF POWER We cover power in the south from well known millionaires to on-the- rise entrepreneurs, south’s greatest bosses and power professionals. PHOTOGRAPHS BY BLAKE CROSBY & JOHN ALE XANDER ARTHUR BLANK 64 A look into the life and career of one of the South’s most influential businessmen. From being let go from his job to founding Home Depot and buying the Atlanta Falcons, Arthur Blank definitely plays an important role in the south. BY B A R RY K AU F M A N. P H O T O G R A P H E D BY J E F F WA LT O N 68 DARRYL STRAWBERRY Former MLB player gives us the scoop on his life of troubles and personal victories over demons in his past. BY R O BY N PA S S A N T E . 72 STORIES OF ADDICTION Fashion > 118 WHY WE LOVE IKEDA Ikeda Fiengold sits down with South magazine to discuss her personal branding and the launch of her own vodka. PHOTOGRAPHED BY GEORGE KARTIS Special > 84 SOUTH’S FINEST FINANCIAL PROFESSIONALS 10 financial professionals give lucrative tips on how to make, save, invest and spend money. Four professionals open up about their dark battles with addiction, what lead to their problem and how they made their amazing triumph. B Y M C A R M ST R O N G. P H O T O G R A P H E D BY BLAKE CROSBY < Rob Horton, owner of Rob’s on Drayton, wrestled with addiction for years before coming to terms with the disease. Now he’s a successful family man. Here’s his story. page 76