South magazine 40: Travel & Adventure | Page 22

letters ➼ aug | sept 2012 write to us at [email protected] or 116-a bull street, savannah, georgia, 31401 S E T T I N G T H E B A R I N T H E S U N S H I N E S TAT E [ H O T I S S U E ] Your magazine is impressive in quality and content. A first-class publication in today’s sea of rags. The [other] mags could learn a thing or two from you. —ALAN J. BAUMAN, M . D. South readers tweet heat SOUTH EVENTS ARE CAUSING A STIR IN SAVANNAH. HERE'S WHAT YOU HAD TO SAY ABOUT THE HOT ISSUE RELEASE PARTY, JCB MUD RUN AND MORE. WERE YOU SCENE? SEE PAGES 24, 26, 188 AND 190 @south_mag “hot” launch: colors of the night for genpop: purple & orange #trend? models strong & sassy! @malonecopy @KATH E R I N E SAN DOZ Congratulations @SaltedandStyled, @brookeatwood and@katherinesandoz we all made it into Hot Local Blogs by@south_mag! #bloggingwithstyle @YOU R EWE LCOM E SAV Leaving the ships of the sea museum and the @south_mag hot list party- ex- cited to see glow girl @MeredithLeyWSAV made the hot list! @G LOW B EAUTYG U RU Thanks for shout-out, @south_mag! Congrats on the Hot issue!http://instagr. am/p/LogpHPgN89/ @OH JON 20 southmaga aug | sep t 1 2 Check out what South magazine has to show from thesouthern isles body building show Saturday! Great pics!! We are so proud of our boys!! — NON STOP FITN E S S Just relocated to Savannah earlier this month and am a HUGE fan of SOUTH magazine!!! — KAR E N LE E PAOLIC E LLI We are honored to have had our Unforget- table Bakery Caribbean Party featured in South magazine! — U N FORG ETTAB LE BAK E RY & C AFE @south_mag Great #JCB muddy event on saturday. Still finding mud — I EATAN DRU N #Tybee Island on national news often :) via@South_Mag / We smile! Tks, @CNN Hometown He roes@ cnnsoutheast — @ROC K I N PORC H