editor’s letter
aug | sept 2012
is a good time to live in this
historic city. We are no longer a quiet little stop off I-95
that happens to have an interesting background. The city
is blossoming and thriving, even in the shadow of the
economic storm, and keeping up with the local people in
power is akin to watching the popular Game of Thrones
series—a fun and sometimes confusing bounty of talent
and ambition.
Power is one of those words whose definition seems
to keep changing with the times. Politics, wealth and
knowledge—these are the immutable sources of power as we know it, much like the
food pyramid we learned in school, based on meat, vegetables and fruit, or a painter’s
primary color palette of red, blue and yellow. Beyond those three basic elements,
though, there exists infinite permutations and combinations of power and as many
creative ways to achieve it.
You can accumulate it, flaunt it, wield it, abuse it, lust for it, dream about it, shun
it or grab for it, but the real benchmark of power is how you use it. Power is never
permanent—it’s a form of capital that, if used wisely, will increase. Don’t use it and—
poof!—it will be diminished. Think of past politicians we remember for the good
works they’ve done. Now name those who never cast a vote for anything that helped
their constituents, community or country. Nope, neither can I.
This issue is a celebration and a standing ovation to those Savannahians who are
making good use of their power for the benefit of many.
Don’t miss Lauren Hunsberger’s interview with Richard Kessler, page 82, for insight
into the owner and CEO of Kessler Enterprise, responsible for a collection of elite
boutique hotels that include The Mansion and the Grand Bohemian. I’m sure you’ll
recognize many of our "Business-Wise Women" on page 34. And Clark Byron’s as-
sessment of the World Trade Center Savannah, “Commerce Connection,” on page 40
is a peek into the international connection that our city is making.
While we’re parsing power, check out Savannah’s greatest pets, as voted by you,
in the South’s Greatest Pet Contest on page 126. Canines may be the only domesti-
cated animals that love humans more than we love ourselves, and in doing so they
wield a considerable amount of power over those of us who willingly go to any lengths
to keep our pets happy and healthy.
And finally, don’t miss this issue’s "Mouth of the South" with Mayor Edna Jackson,
page 194. Madame Mayor is a lady who loves the South and has vowed to make it an
even better place than it already is. More power to her!
southmaga zine.com
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Janice Shay
aug | sep t 1 2