South magazine 31: Celebration & Arts | Page 26

contents [ feb | mar 2011 ] 130 a south e rn e r's story One best-selling author tells of how she fell in love with the South. 141 south 's photo contest Out of hundreds of submis- sions, we think these photos are supremely Southern. 160 welcom e to th e big A vintage-inspired shoot, this fashion spread is a real class act. s h ow 168 d e s t i n at i o n c i t i e s These five cities are where our tour- ists most often come from. It's time to return the favor. 176 enduri ng epicureans Keeping an eatery alive is about more than good recipes. Just ask these guys. 184 t h e c i t y ' s b e s t e v e n t s In Savannah there's no shortage of events, but these top the list. s pec ia l a dve r to r i a l f e at u r e s 163 A s pec ia l pu ll - ou t i n s e rt A compre- hensive guide to stepping out in the South. (photography by John Fulton Photography, styling by Mitchell Hall, hair and makeup by Genevieve Routon, Salon 2010) 26 southmaga f ebrua ry | m a rch 11 190 THE ART OF THE WE D D ING A complete guide for any Southern bride, this virtual checklist includes everything from hairstylists to venues to caterers so no bride is in the dark on her big day.