[ feb | mar 2011 ]
special f i v e y e ar an n i ve rsary e d i ti o n
m i s t r e s s o f t h e a r t s Part Southern belle, part
Lady Gaga, the Savannah-born Haviland Stillwell
proves she's a Jane of all trades.
46 74
These bright Southerners
put Savannah on the map
with their bright ideas. Now that the dust has
cleared, the Simpson
family gets settled.
56 84
Area churches are experi-
encing growth, proving the
South isn't losing its faith. One local man helped solve
the problem when 33 miners
found themselves trapped.
s o u t h e r n i n n ovat o r s
g r ow i n g fa i t h
business ventures
On many fronts, local
businesses are looking up.
f ebrua ry | m a rch 11
b i l ly c u r r i n g t o n Anxiously awaiting a return home,
Billy says life on the road isn't too bad either (It might
have something to do with the millions of screaming fans).
p o s t m a k e ov e r
a higher call
i m pressions of preston
Artist extraordinaire, Preston
Russell talks shop with South.