South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 51

Colin Perry Arpin Colin makes the world go ‘round. At least, that’s how his family feels. Colin was born January 9, 2017. From the moment Colin arrived he has been the light in his parent’s eyes. A perpetually positive baby, he has a constant, infectious smile that can spread joy to anyone. His family can find reminders to be optimistic, and to always be kind and forgiving through his exuberant energy. THE MASSIE HERITAGE CENTER Massie is Savannah’s Museum for History & Architecture, offering the Heritage Classroom, Native American artifacts, an interactive city plan, and a history of architecture and historic preservation in Savannah. Your first stop in Georgia’s first city. INTERNET.SAVANNAH.CHATHAM. K12.GA.US/SCHOOLS/MASSIE 912-395-5070 His favorite food is butternut squash but he is always up for trying new things! He loves to do anything out- doors and is intrigued with the way grass feels on his toes and hands. Currently, Colin has taken up a new hobby of observing all of the wonderful Christmas lights that are popping up around the neighbor- hood! Another favorite activity of his is crawling and chasing after his four dogs Darwin, Julius, Stella, and Wookie. Colin’s experimentation with different finger foods has really increased his popularity with his four-legged friends! JANUARY/FE B RUARY 2018 51