South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 44

5/JIU-JITSU LIFESTYLE CHANGE MICHAEL SERGI THOUGHT HE WAS A TOUGH GUY UNTIL MARTIAL ARTS HUMBLED HIM. PICKING UP BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU 17 YEARS AGO PROVIDED EQUAL DOSES OF THE CON- FIDENCE AND HUMILITY SERGI NEEDED TO BECOME A BETTER MAN, AND NOW HE’S SHARING HIS LOVE FOR THE SPORT WITH OTHERS. TRAIN WITH MICHAEL SERGI SERG BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU HHHH 912-695-8421 SERGBJJ.COM 44 S OUT H MAGA ZI NE.C OM INSTAGRAM @SERGBJJANDFITNESS The day Michael Sergi got whipped by a 63-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy changed his life. Sergi was in his early 20s, a self-described “meathead” who thought he was in peak physical fitness when a friend invited him to a Muay Thai class. “These guys beat the crap out of me,” Sergi recalls. “I was so exhausted and tired. I thought I was fit, and these guys just destroyed me.” A few years later Sergi was introduced to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and was instantly hooked, even though he was “just absolutely awful.” Because no one was teaching Jiu Jitsu in the area at the time, Sergi often had to drive several hours to find organized training sessions. He helped organize a club in 2008 which blossomed into his own Serg Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school three years ago. Now Sergi is the only American to receive his black belt from Jiu Jitsu legend Marcio “Pe De Pano” Cruz and he competes regularly and trains world-class fighters. “Jiu Jitsu absolutely changed my life,” Sergi says. “It provided me with confidence in areas I needed confidence, and it’s provided me humility in areas where I needed humility. … I needed a big dose of that humility and confidence.” Those are qualities that suit people from any walk of life, and Sergi says his students land all across the spectrum ranging from college professors and students to plastic surgeons and auto mechanics. It’s a great way to get in shape for men, women, or children, he says – anyone who wants to learn the confidence to defend themselves or needs the learn the humility of getting whipped. “My first go at it was getting my butt kicked by a 63-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy,” Sergi says. “When you’re young and tough, you think you can beat up everybody. That was a big eye-opener for me.”