South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 31

Jeremy &Clay s a t l C o o 2 C PHOTOGRAPHS BY GEOFF JOHNSON & BEAU KESTER H STORY BY JEVON JEREMY DAVIS AND CLAY JOHNSON HAVE BEEN FRIENDS SINCE THEY WERE YOUNG BOYS. THEY DID EVERYTHING TOGETHER INCLUDING GET- TING MARRIED TWO WEEKS APART! BOTH MUSIC LOVERS SINCE CHILD- HOOD, THEY HAVE JOINED FORCES IN THE FABULOUS EQUINOX ORCHES- TRA, TAKEN THE SHOW AROUND AMERICA, AND NOW HAVE BIG PLANS FOR THEIR BAND, WHICH JUST ENTERED ITS 15TH YEAR. B But this isn’t your grandfather’s music. When you go to an Equinox show, you get a ramped-up ready-to-rip band of expert musi- cians who throw everything they have learned along this journey into it. Entertained you will be. Laugh and dance you will. The force is strong here. These two transplants from Loui- siana mean big business Growing up a Jazz musician, Jeremy Davis’ heroes blew saxophones. A career in jazz seemed like something he wanted. But somewhere along the way, spreading joy and seeing a wide variety of people come together in the name of music took precedence. The word “jazz” gives us all a preconceived notion right away. Are the guys in the Fabulous Equinox Orchestra great musicians? You can bet they are. But they also realize the importance of entertainment. Goals. You’ve all read about them on Instagram. “Getting people to ‘unplug’ from their digital lives” is something Jeremy Davis said that resonates within all of us. A team of arrangers have given new life to songs by Roy Orbison, Huey Lewis and more. Can these guys do Sinatra? Surely. But there is also the “equinox thing.” You hear songs from other genres that you wouldn’t expect. “This is my job in the world,” states Davis. Playing music across the U.S every gig became an “experiment in humanity.” Seeing people react in 54 different cities was great, but there is much more, explained Clay Johnson. “Did Jeremy tell you the story about Arkansas?” Outreach is also something the guys want to “teach the kids.....things you don’t learn when you get a music degree.” For two days, the jazz band at the University of Arkansas becam