South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 26

S C E N E S O F T H E S O U T H : D I N E S O U T H 2 01 7 1 FEATURING SOUTH’S GREATEST RESTAURANTS 2 Of course, the real stars of DineSouth were the many outstanding restaurants that make our region such a hotbed for culinary amazement. No one walked away from the event hungry, thanks to a smörgåsbord of local food and beverage lining the halls of Savannah Station. 1. Sam Carter, Kesha Gibson-Carter, & Tarell Moody 2. Luis, Beto, Melody & Temo Ortiz from Tequila’s Town 3. J.G. Curry, Chef Ben Beasley, Kinsey Rogers from 39 Rue de Jean 4. Deborah Foster, Matt Rodriguez, Nate Scroggins, and Chef Kevin Nape from Savannah Riverboat Cruises 5. Chef Stephen McLain, Malena Gauss, & Matthew Milton from Alligator Soul 6. Morgan Bryant 7. Chris Syywassink & Sydney Lance,- Ghost Coast Distillery 8. Pam Mason & John “The Bandit” Sandifer 9. Suzette Heilman, Rebecca Ayers, & Zachary Shultz from Sugo Rossa 10. Chef Geir Kilen, Chef Michele Jemison, Chef David Pressley, Pastry Chef Sarah Hernandez, Chef Randy Nichol, Chef Gregory Malley, Alonzo Austin, Angela McCloud, Chef Gregory Malley, Martell Smart, Aloysius Loafer 11. Tim & Beth Rollinger, Tony Vazquez, Kim Hunsinger 12. Brooks Family 3 4 5 12 7 6 11 8 9 10 26 S OUT H M AGA ZI NE.C OM