South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 18

S TAY C O N N E C T E D Dr. Carl Pearl pumping up before his cover shoot. FOLLOW US ONLINE ® publisher creative director Michael Brooks FACEBOOK Like South magazine for exclusive content, polls, and photos. publsher’s assistant Jessica Muller account executives Josh F lores, E mily Stamper contributing editors Barry K aufman , M aude C ampbell office manager/circulation Roseanne M aish TWITTER We’re always out live Tweeting at events. Follow us @south_mag. events editors Sloane F rederick contributing writers Barry K aufman, K elly H arley, J ustin Jarrett, Christina M innish, S loane F rederick, A nouk Krantz, J evon D aly contributing photographers John Alexander, D. Paul Graham, Angela Hopper, John Fulton, Blake Crosby, Geoff Johnson, Andrea Kinnear, Anouk Krantz, Beau Kester, Jeffrey Minnish, Cedric Smith, Audrey O’Donnell, Shayna Colvin, Tracy Scarpati, Tanner Levi PINTEREST Behind the Scenes Follow us at (southmagazine) to see what inspires South. Copyright© 2016 South magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part without express written permission is prohibited. FOR EVERY SHOT PUBLISHED THERE ARE 100 IN THE CAN CHECK OUT THE BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS FROM THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE. Some of the greates t shots do not even make it to the magazine, so we put together a gallery jus t for our readers so you can further enjo y the South. Enter to Win production/marketing intern Julianna Nadel INSTAGRAM @southmagazine is your one-stop shop for Dixie’s coolest pics. ARE YOU ONE OF THE GREATEST PHOTOGRAPHERS IN THE SOUTH? IF SO, THEN WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! Now is the time to compile your finest photography and go to and enter for a chance to be featured in the nex t issue of South magazine. This issue promises to be the bes t yet and a s alute to the 11 years of publishing in this great region packed full of the mos t creative and talented people. F or more information and to enter , go to or call 912-236-5501. South magazine is published bimonthly by Bad Ink, (Brooks Advertising Design, Inc.). Views expressed in the editorial pages do not imply our endorsement. Please forward inquiries to Editor, South magazine, 1 1 6 Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia 31401 . We cannot be responsible for unsolicited product samples. Subscription rates: U.S.: $19 for one year; $28 for two years; single copies: $4.95. Change of address notice: six to eight weeks prior to moving, please clip the mailing label from the most recent issue and send it along with your new address to: South magazine, Change of Address Notice, 1 1 6 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401 , attn: Circulation | South magazine: A Division of Bad Ink, phone: 91 2.236.5501 fax: 91 2.236.5524, GET IN TOUCH WRITE TO US AT [email protected] or 116-A Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401 18 S OUT H M AGA ZI NE.C OM