South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 14

PUBLISHER’S LETTER: MICHAEL BROOKS ABOUT THE COVERS YOGA ★ CROSSFIT ★ MMA ★ BOXING ★ NUTRITION DON’T CONCENTRATE SO MUCH ON THE DESTINATION OR YOU WLL MISS THE REWARDS OF THE JOURNEY. A SATURDAY AFTERNOON WITH TW O SOUTHERN CELEBRITIES, CLAUDIA AND BOBBY DEEN. LIVIN’ HEALTHY WHEN PUTTING TOGETHER THE HEALTH AND WELLNESS ISSUE, I COULD THINK OF NO ONE BETTER TO CONSULT WITH THAN CLAUDIA AND BOBBY DEEN. Granted, there’s much about the Deen dynas ty that may not always scream health. Bobby’s mom, Paula, staked her claim to fame on old-fashion Southern-fried goodness served with a heap of but ter. But that was then, and this is no w. Bobby made a choice several years ago that he would expand the Deen family legacy beyond the calorie-soaked boundaries of comfort food, leaning hard into a health y lifestyle. Of course, he’s had plenty of motivation from his wife Claudia, a brilliant fitness professional in her o wn right. I had an opportunity to spend some time with this inspiring couple on a cool November afternoon, where they were gracious enough to share with me a batch of their but ternut squash. I w as a bit appre - hensive about a vegetable called butternut squash, but I do lo ve trying new things. That said, one taste and I w as a believer. Perhaps the best part about the soup w as how long it took to pre - pare, since that gave us plenty of time to hang out in the kitchen and swap stories. While it simmered, Bobby shared his reasons behind changing his lifestyle – how a life of alcoholism and poor life choices had threatened to put him in an early gra ve. How he’d found his de - liverance in discipline, in the dev otion to self-improvement and in the encouraging words of his wife. 14 S OUT H M AGA ZI NE.C OM Just as I’d been apprehensive about butter- nut squash, Bobby had his doubts about going on the record with his s tory. But the tantaliz- ing possibility that he could help o ther people dealing with the s ame issues spoke to him. If you know Bobby, you know how selfless he is. It’s why he’s sharing his stories with us, and why he works to help o thers with everything he does. When you talk to Bobby, he is outgoing and charming and carries himself with a modes ty that might s urprise you. When you mee t a guy who’s appeared on countless F ood Network TV shows and was one of P eople Magazine’s Hottest Bachelors of 2006 , you might expect him to put on airs. Not so. As humble as he is, he’s even more talented and charming as you’d expect. His wife shares his talent and charm, and beyond that she’s truly gifted when it comes to nurturing healthy habits. One of my first questions to her w as, “Why haven’t you had your own TV show?” Yes, it has been dis - cussed, but nothing is solid. Just the same, she has all the makings of a true fitness celebrity. She talks the talk and w alks the walk. If you need proof that she is someone who can make healthy living exciting, just remember she got a guy lik e me to try but ternut squash and enjoy it. If she can do that, she mus t be on to something. Just an afternoon with this power couple was an inspiration to mak e healthier choices not only with fitness and nutrition, but also to take time to enjoy life and the people around you. It’s a lesson I’ ve taken to heart and one we can all benefit from: Don’t concentrate so much on the des tination or you wll miss the rewards of the journey. Many thanks for all of you sharing us on this journey – k eep reading! Many, many thanks and k eep reading, 71 A LIFE OF BALANCE JESSICA TAYLOR SOUTH'S GREATEST Kids BOBBY DEAN COMES CLEAN 2017 BEST DOCS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 01 6 0 2 6 48 2 7591 JES JE J E SIC C A T AYLOR HAS HA AS A S O V ER 25,000 INSTAGRAM F OL LOW O ERS ON HER PAGE THAT AT FEATUR FEA TURES HER R MA ANY WAY WAYS TO S TA STA ST A Y I N SHAP S HAPE E AND A ND ACH ACHIEV IEVE E B AL ANC BAL BA A E IN I N LIFE. L 0 SOUTHMAGAZINE.COM ★ $4.95 (Display until March 15) Let your guard down, take chances, and embrace the moment.” Jessica Taylor doesn’t let her hectic schedule stop her from taking the time to feed her own spirit. Written by Justin Jarrett. Photograpy by Andrea Kinnear. Cover Design by Michael B. See Time to Change on page 43. STYLE OF THE NEW SOUTH 2018 BEST DOCS COOLEST RUNNING PATHS IN THE SOUTH + THE GET-YOUR- REAR-END-IN- SHAPE GUIDE DR. CARL PEARL PLASTIC SURGEON + SEVEN WAYS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 01 6 0 2 6 48 2 7591 0 SOUTHMAGAZINE.COM ★ $4.95 (Display until March 15) Dr. Carl Pearl is wearing a dinner jacket by J. Parker and pants by Men’s Wearhouse in Savannah, Georgia and is one of many talented plastic surgeons at Savannah Plastic Surgery and takes pride in his work. He is becoming known as the man to see about a new face in teh south. Photography by Blake Crosby, a South Carolina based photographer specializing in portraits. Cover design by Michael Brooks. Check out Dr. Pearl featured in South’s Greatest Doctors on page 100. Colin Perry Arpin was voted into this year’s South’s Greatest Kids. It was a close one, as the kids just keep getting cuter every year. Photographed by Savannah based Angela Hopper who specializes in child and pet photography. Cover Design by Michael B. See this years contest winners on page 150 Photograph by CEDRIC SMITH