South Mag South Issue 71 | Page 10

Features 68 50 98 84 138 40 122 LANDON PEACOCK 68 I SURVIVED: 3 MEN SHARE THEIR STORIES OF BEING AT THE BRINK OF DEATH AND LIVING TO TELL ABOUT IT. WRITTEN BY BARRY KAUFMAN 10 S OUT H MAGA ZI NE.C OM 50 84 SOUTH’S POWER GREATEST KIDS NURSES The votes are in! Meet the cutest kids this side of the Mason-Dixon. This year we feature 10 of the greatest nurses in the south. SLOANE FREDERICK BARRY KAUFMAN 122 138 WILD HORSES FARM OF CUMBERLAND TO TABLE An amazing book of photography of the horses of Cumberland Island Healthy entrees from the southern fields to these restaurant tables. ANOUK KRANTZ BARRY KAUFMAN 98 SOUTH’S GREATEST DOCTORS Some of the finest doctors in the region featured. KELLY HARLEY