South London Women Artists April 2014 | Page 6

The truth is that for centuries women have struggled to be heard, writing books, making art and music and challenging the many restrictions on women’s lives. But their achievements have been repeatedly written out of history Foreword In March 2013, during the weekend of International Women’s Day, South London Women Artists (SLWA) staged a collaborative interpretation of Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party to honour 1038 women of importance. This event took place at 47/49 Tanner Street, an expansive interactive multi-arts space based in Bermondsey, London SE1. Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party (1974-1979) brings attention to a female perspective of history and her vision was to provide a visual inspiration to women’s achievement. ‘The truth is that for centuries women have struggled to be heard, writing books, making art and music and challenging the many restrictions on women’s lives. But their achievements have been repeatedly written out of history’. The Dinner Party is on permanent display in the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Brooklyn Museum, New York. Inspired by this, South London Women Artists staged I’m Inside, Ring The Bell, as a tribute to Judy Chicago’s courage, wit and determination of her seminal installation. The title I’m Inside, Ring The Bell refers to an inside presence always there, always available. Drawing on our members’ creativity we bring attention to the women who mentor, influence and shape our creative practices and lives. To restore and elevate these 39 women re-evaluates their place in history and memory. It was the perfect setting for SLWA to reflect upon our influences and roles as artists for 2013’s International Women’s Day. ‘The art world has ignored the contribution of women’. Many of the motivations behind Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party are still active today - women make up the higher percentage of art school graduates but get the lower percentage of gallery exposure and art market prices. Often artists struggle to find the balance between creating, caring and earning, while their art careers depend upon networking, marketing and exposure. We therefore use our SL