South Asia Jurist volume 01 | Page 3

Looking Foreword



Welcome to the first edition of the South Asia Jurist, a magazine which we, the Editorial Board hope and endeavor to publish on a monthly basis. Our journey began in July 2013, and despite the short, few months that we have under our belts, we have (we hope!) constantly evolved and developed our repertoire.

South Asia Jurist was created to address the void that exists in comparative legal scholarship within the greater South Asia region. Through our monthly magazine, we hope to cover common legal issues of interest across the countries in the greater South Asia region. We also hope that our existing contributors, as well as other students, lawyers, legal researchers and anyone writing on the South Asia and legal issues would contribute to our magazine as well as our stand-alone articles section on the South Asia Jurist website (

This first inaugural issue of the South Asia Jurist magazine seeks to cover the development of legal systems in the South Asian countries—individual, separate articles which highlight the diversity of the legal systems but also emphasize their similarities. Cynthia Farid’s article therefore provides a historical background of the common basis of the legal systems—at least between Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

We are already working on the second issue of the South Asia Jurist magazine and while we are extremely excited about it, that is a discussion for another time. Right now, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all our contributors, who took time out of their busy schedules to write, edit and re-edit their submissions, heeded to our repetitive e-mails and helped us produce this compact, concise Inaugural issue. We really appreciate all your hard work and we hope that you are going to continue on this journey called the South Asia Jurist with us for long time to come.

And last, but definitely not the least—you, dear reader, thank you for your time, the time you are spending with this magazine. Surely there are things which may be missing, perhaps a change of font? Or font color? Some issue you want to see covered? Or you want to be one of us? Simply write to us, we are willing to listen to brickbats, suggestions, criticism and also positive words of encouragement. Reach us at [email protected] or our Facebook page or on Twitter- we are always listening and thanks to being situated in different time zones, one or more of us is always awake.

We hope that you enjoy this historical nugget of a newsletter and come back for more, same day, same time in November 2013!

To an auspicious journey and to a long last relationship with you, the reader!

Editorial Board, South Asia Jurist