Glasses Have Anything To Do With Seeing Beyond the Eyes ?
Glasses can have people assuming many things such as one being smart or having bad eye sight. This isn’t true all the time necessarily. Many people can see way more than people expect . In a sense that many people don’t understand & this paper will be talking about how the author of, “The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses ,” used characterization and tone in order to reveal the theme which is it’s easier to work together than against one another.
The author also uses imagery to assist one’s thoughts of the theme in numerous occurrences in the story. Imagery is visually descriptive or figurative language that is mainly found in many literary works that authors have written. An example of the imagery being used was once Hannetjie brought out the pack of tobacco, one can only imagine all the convicts that would have been requesting for some. This improves the plot, and supports the reader’s understanding of the needs of these prisoners. Without the imagery in the story, one would not feel and have emotion for the prisoner. Imagery can also affect the story by adding much suspense since the reader is feeling for the prisoners emotionally.
assist one’s thoughts of the theme in numerous occurrences in the story. Imagery is visually descriptive or figurative language that is mainly found in many literary works that authors have written. An example of the imagery being used was once Hannetjie brought out the pack of tobacco, one can only imagine all the convicts that would have been requesting for some. This improves the plot, and supports the reader’s understanding of the needs of these prisoners. Without the imagery in the story, one would not feel and have emotion for the prisoner. Imagery can also affect the story by adding much suspense since the reader is feeling for the prisoners emotionally.
Imagery affects the story by adding much suspense since the reader is feeling for the prisoner emotionally. The author uses metaphors to support the central idea that it is better to work together than against one another when trying to reach a huge goal in life. Metaphors are a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable . For example, a metaphor the author uses is, “why don’t you like your own medicine.” This was discussing the two people being aggressive and having them comprehend that they must work together. If the people were not aggressive then there would not be a conflict that would affect the plot and whole story.