Source Programme of Events Summer 2019 The Source Arts Centre Programme Summer 2019 | Page 5

SUMMER 2019 FilM THeaTre/yoUTH DNA Cold War Friday 03 May Wednesday 01 May DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid – the inherited characteristics that are passed on to us. Who knows what’s hidden in yours? From the director of ‘Ida’, this near mythic romantic saga follows the union and break-up (and union and break-up again and again) of Wiktor and Zula, a classically gorgeous couple from the opposite sides of the tracks. They first meet deep in the dilapidated countryside of the post-World War II Poland. Exchanging suggestive glances they embark on a stormy affair that disastrously evolves over two isolating decades and numerous unsympathetic locales across Europe. ‘Cold War’ is a near-perfect film, an artfully crafted, flawlessly acted meditation on love, memory and invented history that’s both deeply personal and politically attuned. Ann Hornaday ‘Washington Post’ Oscar nominated Best Director and Best Foreign film 2019 DNA is a play about lies and fear written by Denis Kelly and performed by Thurles’ own Fracture Youth Theatre. Everyone feels guilty but who is to blame? A group of teenagers try to worm their way out of a nasty act. Scared, terrified, lonely and confused - they put their trust in the silent by- stander. Was it a mistake? While lies spiral and tension mounts, everyday adolescence twists and turns into an anarchic game of survival. DNA is a poignant and, sometimes, hilarious tale with a very dark heart, brought to life by this young cast. PreSenTeD By FraCTUre yoUTH THeaTre TiMe: 7.30 PM PriCe: €7/20 FaMily oF FoUr Dir. PaWeł PaWlikoWSki, PolanD/FranCe/UniTeD kingDoM, 2018, 85 Min TiMe: 8 PM PriCe: €9/5 (Free To over 65 yearS) Box office: 0504 90204 5