Source Programme of Events Summer 2019 The Source Arts Centre Programme Summer 2019 | Page 19
Monday 22 to Friday 26 July
Calling all creative music types! If you like
strumming a chord, dropping a beat or rapping
a word, then we have a week for you!
Working with the experienced SongSchool
crew you’ll spend 5 days writing and jamming
up ideas with like-minded folk. Then you will
arrange, rehearse, record a song with your new
group. The creative juices will keep flowing as
you will perform the original material you have
created during the week in a one off showcase
in the Arts Centre on Thursday evening. On
Friday you will reflect on the gig and make a
music video. It's a great week and could be the
highlight of your Summer!
All levels and interests welcome, whether
you’re a beginner or a Beethoven come along,
collaborate, create and perform! The more
eclectic the mix the more electric the music!
ageS 13-18 yearS
10 aM to 4 PM eaCH Day
PriCe: €100
Fracture Youth Theatre is
resident at The Source Arts
Centre and back for the autumn
season. We are looking for new
members to join our group. So, if
you're between 13 and 17 years
old and looking for something
fun and exciting to be part of,
Fracture Youth Theatre is it! We
meet every Saturday, 3pm-5pm,
in the Source Arts Centre.
Experienced theatre
practitioners Joanne Quinn and
Emily Matthews lead and direct
the youth theatre.
NO experience necessary.
Fracture YT is an excellent
programme for young people to
make new friends, develop
communication skills and build
confidence through theatre
games and improvisation.
Presenting two plays a year,
participants work hard together
to accomplish their goals in a
supportive and rewarding
CoST: €50 Per TerM. FraCTUre
yoUTH ClUB MeMBerS enJoy
DiSCoUnTeD THeaTre TiCkeTS aT
THe SoUrCe arTS CenTre
(SUBJeCT To availaBiliTy). For
More inForMaTion PleaSe
ConTaCT THe SoUrCe arTS
CenTre, THUrleS, aT 0504-90204.
Box office: 0504 90204