Source Programme of Events Spring 2019 The Source Arts Centre Programme Spring 2019_Layou | Page 18
Spring 2019
Remember to Breathe Isla Grant in Concert
“I signed up for lessons - ignoring the tiny voice
inside, that insists I am betraying you…” Born in Scotland, highly respected singer and
prolific songwriter Isla Grant makes a welcome
return visit to Ireland on her ‘Yellow Rose’ Tour
after an absence of two years .
In a swimming pool in New Zealand, super
upbeat Doreen coaches recent emigrant Maeve.
But Maeve’s head and heart keep drawing her
home to an unsolved dilemma with her much
loved father Johnny. Follow Maeve as she tries
to swim free of the ties that bind.
Award-winning writing, direction and a brilliant
ensemble mix warm humour with serious themes.
Remember to Breathe is a deeply moving play
about moving home and moving on.
SAturdAy 09 MArcH
tiMe: 8pM price: €16/14 cOnc.
Isla is now established in Ireland, Australia, New
Zealand, the UK, America and Canada as a
singer/songwriter of the highest quality. Over
the last few years she has completed hugely
successful tours of New Zealand, Australia,
Canada and the UK and once again received
five 'gold discs' for CD sales. Add this to six
'platinum discs' already received in Ireland and
you can see why this Scottish lass is so popular.
Her highly entertaining concert show features
all her wonderful hit songs and some new from
her latest album.
Together with an excellent backing band the
ingredients are there for a concert of the
highest quality.
preSented by tOM Kelly
SundAy 10 MArcH
tiMe: 8pM price: €30
The Source Arts Centre