Sounding the Teaching | Page 30

SO UN D I N G T H E T E A CH IN G 2 Exposition EXPERIENCING MUSIC COMPOSITION Student Leadership Development Through Community Drumming BY SH AH RIN MAH MUD, GR EENRIDG E PRIMARY SC HOOL Did it ever occur to you that a simple music activity such as drumming can help develop students’ leadership skills? I tend to focus a lot on musicianship skills in my lessons so it was time to look into developing other skills such as leadership. We know that leadership is an important aspect in music making, but how much do we know about the experiences of student leaders? What goes through the leaders’ minds as they carry out their leadership roles? The primary purpose of this project is to highlight the experiences of students who lead a community drumming group and examine the leadership experiences of these students. PURPOSE 28 To investigate how students who took on leadership roles in a community drumming group perceived their experiences and how these experiences have changed them. QUESTIONS How do students perceive themselves as leaders? How do they perceive their leadership experiences? CONTEXT At Greenridge Primary School, our mission is to nurture Lifelong Learners - Gracious, Responsible and Public-spirited students in thoughts and deeds. In addition, the school places a lot of emphasis on student leadership due to the impact leadership programmes can have on students. Our students will inevitably encounter challenges in their leadership roles. By understanding what these challenges are, we will be able to better evaluate the effects and outcomes of our leadership programme. EX A MI NI NG MU SI C LEA R NI NG EX P ER I ENC ES LITERATURE REVIEW In his dissertation, May (2009) mentioned Chapman and Aspin’s (2001) argument that developing student leadership through specific programmes is crucial to promoting social responsibility, community leadership, active citizenship and service leadership. In a workshop conducted at the 32 nd ISME World Conference on Music Education entitled Drum Works by Beer, Wills and McDouall (2016) from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, UK, it was mentioned that the community drumming project provides opportunities for students to support their personal development by mentoring other students. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Leadership is the process in which one person sets the purpose or direction for one or more persons and gets them to move along with him or her and with each other in that direction with competence and full commitment (Jaques & Clement, 1994, p.4). Leadership is an interaction between two or more members of a group that often involves a structuring or restructuring of the situation and the perceptions and expectations of members. Leadership occurs when one group member modifies the motivation or competencies of others in the group. Any member of the group can exhibit some amount of leadership (Bass, 1990, p.19-20). GENERAL BACKGROUND OF PARTICIPANTS None of the leaders held a key leadership appointment in their school or class (e.g. prefect, class chairperson or CCA leader) They had gone through at least one leadership programme conducted by their school at the Primary 4 or 5 level They were selected for this research based on their leadership potential an d good sense of rhythm as determined by their teachers METHODOLOGY This project employed qualitative methods, which included video recordings, interviews and students’ reflection worksheets. From the data derived through the interview and journaling process, we drew an overall picture of the experiences of participants and the meanings participants constructed from their experiences. From there, themes regarding the participants’ experiences as student leaders emerged. THE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME Four sessions, two hours per session SESSION 1 Introduction to percussion instruments and playing techniques. Compose and perform simple rhythms in small groups SESSION 2 Work in sections to compose a rhythm incorporating music elements such as dynamics and pitch SESSION 3 Combine all the rhythms SESSION 4 Compose and perform a new piece (two separate groups) BRIEFING/REFLECTION/ INTERVIEW SESSION FOR LEADERS (30 minutes before and after each session) Leaders were tasked to lead all activities. 29