Souleles Resume + Portfolio 2018 portfolio-resume 2018 | Page 17

The MacKimmie Complex The University of Calgary 2016 - present Calgary AB | Project Architect Phases | Predesign | Schematic Design | Design Development | Construction Documents | Tender | Construction Administration Role Client Value Comp. Area | University of Calgary | $214 million const. | Fall 2022 | 37,150 sq. m. The MacKimmie Complex takes the existing MacKimmie Tower , Link and Block and revitilizes the core of the campus, by repurposing the former tower and developing a new academic space. The project also reconciles the University’s Long Range Developement Plan by revitilizing Swann Mall. Given the University’s sustainble aspirations, the project is a candidate for the CaGBC Net Zero Carbon pilot. Beyond the deep green inititatives, the DIALOG team utilized computational design to define a complex double skin facade that responds to the climate and communicates the history of the exisitng Tower structure. My primary function is as Project Architect, and Coordinating professional in charge of all resources and phases.