Soul Sisters Step UP- A picture of possibility Picture of Possibility Magazine | Page 8

Dedra Ruiz My Motto is: “you can never rise higher than your perception of your worth” - Arlene villarule How can you know your val- ue if you’ve never taken the time to understand who you really are?   As a young entrepreneur, I’ve lost myself so many times chasing after success, that I ultimately be- came disgusted by being successful! There was actually a period in my life where being average was my comfort zone.  I had been stolen from, abandoned, criticized, and taken advantage of so much, that success was no longer appealing to me. The day that inner voice told me, I look nothing like I was created to be, was the turning point in my life.  I started to reassess every so-called “neg- ative” experience I encountered and saw how the hand of God was always present; maturing me, opening my eyes to spirits I was once obliv- ious to, drawing me to Him and less towards ex- ternal counsel. I dropped my dependency on man and was reminded of the REAL SOURCE! I became woke God designed to me the fact that for success! He designed us all for success, and when we allow past failures and experiences to crip- ple us from enduring, purpose is stolen. The devil comes to kill steal and destroy so guess who wins when you give in to your emotions.  My advice is to only entertain “fear” when it comes to giving up before purpose is fulfilled.  My mind plays tricks on me sometimes by tell- ing me I’m not ready, I’m not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, talented enough but I re- mind all these thoughts that I was perfectly created with all that is needed to complete MY PURPOSE.   I can do all things (along the lines of fulfilling my pur- pose, not anyone else’s) through Christ who strength- ens me. I am a wife, a mother of 3 and an entrepreneur... Trust me when I say, I mess up in each role when I try to function in my own strength and wisdom. Seeking the Wisdom of God in each area of my life is what keeps me sane, successful and thriving today. Follow me @av_thebeautyexperts From Corporate to Entrepreneur I grew up the daughter of a farm- er and a seamstress, both with limited education and resourc- es.  Their focus on providing for my sister and I placed a strain on their ability to balance family time.  My transitioning process start- ed with writing down what I al- ready had and listing what I needed.  I had the skill, training and a few clients to start my journey as a business owner.   I desired a fully functioning, well- I always knew I wanted my own stocked studio that met my needs, family to have a different experi- but I also needed to pay off debts ence. As a wife and mother, I jug- and save for an emergency fund.  gled family life, an 8-4 job, pursu- I opted to start with the emergen- ing a degree while also following cy fund, saving every cent I could. my passion for makeup artistry.  I was focused and determined to build a saving fund that could cov- Creating balance was always a strug- er my monthly expenses, God gle. While to many, it seemed I forbid, this venture should fail.  had things under control, it often felt like I was drowning and over- My next significant steps were work- whelmed.  And when I thought ing on building my studio, accept- things could not get any worse, it did.  ing clients and teaching in my living room to raise the extra cash.  I rein- The news came that my or- vested all my earnings into designing ganization would soon close and creating the workspace I desired. its doors, permanently!    I was jolted into action, prepar- I prayed every step of the way; God ing and planning to go from the didn’t always answer in the way I corporate world with a secure in- wanted, but He always answered.  come, to full-time entrepreneur.  Two years later and I had tran- How does one transition easily?    sitioned from an employ- You don’t. There is nothing easy about it,  ee to a growing entrepreneur.  My journey is still far from over. But trust me, if I can do it, s o can you.  Planning, perseverance and prayer are what will make the journey comfortable. I continue to work assiduously on my craft, learning to skillfully hop over hurdles and manoeuvre the challeng- es of owning my own business, daily. Can you do it? You definitely Can!  You can transition if you;  1. Get Prepared  2. Stay prayed up 3. Design a plan Set specific goals  4. Practice delayed gratification 5. Improve your skill & knowledge  6. Be consistent. I am a Picture of Possibility.  Mrs Dedra Ruiz-Richards  Wife, Mom, Professional Make Up Artist and Entrepreneur  Follow me @makeupbydedra