Soul Sisters Step UP- A picture of possibility Picture of Possibility Magazine | Page 16

She easily sees your potential and pushes you to achieve. I had the wonderful opportunity to be coached by her and to participated in two of her mentorship/empowerment programs. Her motto “Don’t bury your talent, in- crease it” totally embodies the work she does. Coach Shelly is the lady to go to if you are serious about your goals. She is kind, understanding and ready to help you on your journey to Step- Up. After the healthy dose of enlightenment and encouragement from Soul Sisters in September, I fell love with body scrubs. I want- ed to make my own custom product and soon joined a Bath, Body and Candle making course. It was God-sent. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and having the opportunity to provide people with hand- crafted, natural products is a complete blessing. - Treasure Fox @try My Journey on Discovering & Embracing My Passion -Purdey Johnson As a child, I would ask myself, “Why is mom spending the entire day in the kitchen?”. I nev- er understood that. I started to peek into the kitchen, she would say to me, “Hey, come inside and see what I am doing, do you want to learn?” Mom was a great cook and an excellent baker. Each Sunday, we would look forward to different treats. She would “cook and bake up a storm”. My brothers and I would have delicious meals, we waited as the afternoon developed, to smell the lovely aroma coming from the oven. Pies, cakes, sweetbread, pastries, you name it she baked it. As I grew older, I observed her methodology for baking her favourite treats. She was patient with her baking, smiling and laughing as she watched us enjoying and devouring her delicacies. I later discovered my uncles and aunts also baked. No need to go to the bakery if you can do it yourself, I thought. I would often visit my grandmother in the beautiful spice island of Gre- nada. Well “grannie”, would al- ways have a sponge cake ready. She often told me she had to bake her cakes for the church harvest or to give away as gifts to the local priests, friends and neigh- bours. I never understood how her hand would be the only machine she would use to beat her eggs and sugar. I respected her for that. Today, I appreciate my Kitchen Aid. During a visit to Grenada, I visited a great aunt. While looking through her family album, I saw another great aunt using a mud oven for baking bread. What a beautiful picture. Ok, so I am un- derstanding now, I told myself. It is in the genes. I had many dreams of what I really wanted to do with my life. I dreamt of becoming a dancer, actress, singer, marine biologist...the list goes on.   But I fell in love with food. I wanted to develop a food brand with healthy options for diabetics.   Ultimately, I ended up becoming a Quality As- surance Manager in the food manufacturing sec- tor, where I have been employed for over fifteen years working for a leading manufacturing plant as a Quality Systems Coordinator and an Auditor. During the past two years, I’ve been expe- riencing an internal transition of what do I really want to do with my life, what is my main purpose. I would often have inter- nal conversations with myself, and I would ask God what do you want me to do with my life once it is in accordance with His plan. I would often think of questions such as: “Why am I here”, “What can I do to make people happy”, “What can I do to make myself hap- py”, “Am I in the correct career.”. In March 2018, I started sing- ing at PRVM. “Yes, one of my dreams I am pursuing, and I am going to start the process”, I told my- self.   Not expecting while learning to sing, I would discover other dimensions of myself. Yes, I always want- ed to become a singer, and I re- spect singers more. I had to train my body, I also had to retrain my mind. A pro- cess that has started and still going through. During my singing process and sessions being questioned continuously by Shelly; I had a long crying session with her, after which, I realized I wanted to make others happy through baking. As the saying goes, “a mango does not fall far from its tree”. Yes, my famil- ial genes were screaming for release. Sisters 2018 Working with Coach Shelly is a dream...