SotA Anthology 2019-20 | Page 81

Alice Ranson , Timothy Girling , Charles Craddock

Human Rights Campaign Report : Resist Facial Recognition

Alice Ranson Charles Craddock Timothy Girling

This lively team found working together most enjoyable . After overcoming the challenges of working virtually , this group got to grips with Zoom and adapted to the new way of working .
For COMM317 , Tim , Alice and Charles focus on Liberty ’ s ‘ Resist Facial Recognition ’ campaign ’, accompanied by a presentation to highlight the campaign ’ s pitfalls and advantages concerning human rights campaigning in the UK . Through a detailed , in-depth analysis , the group reveal the methods used by the company to tackle the issue of facial recognition and the extent to which the campaign was effective .
Introduction FACIAL recognition technology is the latest , controversial technological development in policing . Through photographs and videos , the technology , using biometrics , creates a map of your facial features , which can then be cross-referenced to a database of images to find matches ( Symanovich , n / a ). Such technology has been ‘ trialled ’ in the UK by police services through active deployment and without any consent of the public ( Liberty , n / a ). This has caused particular concern amongst human rights groups , leading to Liberty starting the campaign ‘ Resist Facial Recognition ’. A campaign is defined