SotA Anthology 2019-20 | Page 57

George Fowles
back catalogues were under their control ; the lucrative film industry , encompassing booming video streaming services ; and , arguably , the power of nostalgia , and the nostalgic tendencies of popular music fans everywhere .
A Hard Day ’ s Night ( 1964 ) Directed by R . Lester [ Feature film ]. New York City , NY , USA : United Artists .
Alexander , E . ( 2017 ) The real reason ‘ La La Land ’ is a success . Available at : https :// www . harpersbazaar . com / uk / culture / culture-news / news / a39622 / the-real-reason-la-la-land-isa-success / ( Accessed : 04 / 03 / 20 ).
As it Was ( 2019 ) Directed by G . Fitzgerald , C . Lightening [ Feature film ]. London , UK : Altitude Films .
Beach ,
M .
( 2019 )
‘ The
Dirt ’
Biopic :
Interview .
at :
https :// www . forbes . com /
sites / markbeech / 2019 / 03 / 10 /
/# 6c0bc16339d7 ( Accessed :
04 / 03 / 20 ).
Bohemian Rhapsody ( 2018 ) Directed by B . Singer [ Feature film ]. Los Angeles , CA , USA : 20th Century Fox .
Corbella , Maurizio . ( 2017 ) ‘ Live to Tell : Remediating Historical Performance in the Popular Music Biopic ’, IASPM Journal , 7 ( 1 ), pp29-54 .
Donnelly , K . ( 2001 ) Pop Music in British Cinema : a Chronicle . London : British Film Institute .
Garrido , S & Davidson , J . ( 2019 ) Music , Nostalgia and Memory : Historical and Psychological Perspectives . Cham , Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan .
Glynn , P . ( 2019 ) From Queen to Springsteen : Why are there so many music films now ? Available at : https :// www . bbc . co . uk / news / entertainmentarts-48941104 ( Accessed : 03 / 03 / 20 ).
Glynn , S . ( 2013 ) The British Pop Music Film : The Beatles and Beyond . Houndmills , Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan .
Grease ( 1978 ) Directed by R . Kleiser [ Feature film ]. Hollywood , CA , USA : Paramount Pictures .
Hafeze Ku ( 2019 ) Bohemian Rhapsody . 10th Feb 2019 . Available at : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = KfdNHspQ3mk ( Accessed : 04 / 03 / 20 ).
La La Land ( 2016 ) Directed by D . Chazelle [ Feature film ]. Santa Monica , CA , USA : Lionsgate Films .
Larsen , R . ( 2019 ) 157 million Smart TVs sold last year - Samsung Tizen leads . Available at : https :// www . flatpanelshd . com / news .