Mercedes College Newsletter
Vol. 40 Number 12 / Week 6 Term Three / 29 August 2013
Pastoral Care News
Year 9/10 Learning Community
Year 9 - Mrs Sherrin Adams
The girls know that their Peer Mentor Applications must be submitted by Monday 2 September. No extension will be given.
Full details are in the Year 9 Pastoral Care section on Moodle. I hope that those girls who are applying have discussed their
application with their parents.
I have been very impressed with the reverence shown by the girls at their class masses, the last of which was celebrated this
week. Well done to all on your attendance, preparation and interest in your class liturgical celebration. I thank the Year 9 RE
teachers for their preparation of the liturgies.
Year 11/12 Learning Community
Year 11 - Mrs Marianne Morphett
A large number of girls have nominated to serve on the Prefect Council for next year and many thoughtful submissions have
been received. I would like to thank the girls for their efforts in preparing these reflections on leadership in the context of our
Mercy ethos. The election process will be completed this week in the pastoral care lesson and we all look forward to the
announcement of the Prefect Council on Mercy Day.
The selection of subjects for Year 12 has commenced and forms need to be submitted by the end of this week. It is important
that the forms have been signed by the student and their parents. Girls who wish to review their course have been asked to
seek advice from Mrs Strutt or Mrs Alach before submitting their subject selection form.
Year 12 - Mrs Bernadette Dell
In a pleasant break from routine, MESA (Mercedes Ex-Students? Association) provided the students with a lunch of burgers,
cake and fruit and invited two ex-students to talk to the girls about the benefits of joining the Association. The Association also
launched its request for the girls to nominate a peer for the MESA award for the graduating student who most embodies the
Mercy values. I hope that many of the girls will take this opportunity to recognise their peers. Also, nomination forms for
Mercedes Medallists and for the Advisory Board?s Medal for Outstanding Teacher have been distributed. Forms can also be
obtained from Moodle.
Time is rapidly passing so please ensure that your daughter does not miss the remaining valuable teaching time with her
teachers. Your daughter?s teachers are her best resource as she completes her final assessments and prepares for the major
exams ahead.
Many teachers are offering additional help in sessions before and after school and lunchtime. As I move around the Year 12
area, I am constantly impressed by the dedication our staff show towards their students and I am sure that the girls are
appreciative of this help.
Year 12 Students with ex-students Lucy FitzSimons, Class of 2008 (left) and Amanda Meloni, Class
of 2009 (right)