Mercedes College Newsletter
Vol. 40 Number 12 / Week 6 Term Three / 29 August 2013
Key Dates
Friday 30 August
Athletics Camp (until 31 August)
Tuesday 3 September
Year 7 Social with Trinity College
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday 4 September
8.1 RE Mass
MESA Meeting 6.15pm
Thursday 5 September
Year8 Social with Trinity College
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Tuesday 10 September
Parents and Friends Meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 11 September
8.2 RE Mass
House Film Festival Screening /
Cygnet Cinema 7pm
Principal?s Report
“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must
help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself
said, „It is more blessed to give than to receive.?” Acts 20:35
I would like to dedicate some lines this fortnight to our parents. At our recent
Parents and Friends meeting there was a discussion about how to raise the
profile of the P&F and make our parents more aware of all the support the
group provides to the College. I felt the Committee?s frustration, considering we
had just had to postpone the P&F sponsored Quiz Night due to poor numbers.
We concluded that a combination of cold, wintry weather and the busy-ness of
the College community in recent weeks due to the Catholic Performing Arts
Festival, the Production and winter Sport, has caused families to just want to
spend time at home. As the conversation continued we all agreed that
Mercedes College is blessed with an amazing parent community. The
involvement of the different Friends groups, plus the Dads of Mercedes and the
evolving Mums of Mercedes, has been overwhelming and whilst much credit
has to go to Jackie Stacey, our Parent Liaison Officer, I know that when
parents, staff and students all work together to create an open and caring
environment, there is a single mindedness to encourage all students to practise
positive school habits.
We have a very small yet very generous and committed group of parents who
gather each month for the P&F meetings. I love the meetings and the
conversations we have. These parents know their daughters better than
anyone and, when shared, this knowledge can be an invaluable resource in the
progress of children?s education. They are my sounding board for initiatives we,
as staff, and the girls, are wanting to introduce. Most importantly the P&F has
been instrumental in providing so many resources to enhance the learning and
teaching environment in the College - from interactive whiteboards, multi-media
projectors, desks and chairs and lockers, to new sewing machines for the
Materials, Design and Technology girls and new barbecues and china and
cutlery for community events. The P&F has committed to providing all the loose
furniture for the refurbishment of St Joseph?s - a huge undertaking. These
things make a significant difference to the College budget and the Staff and
students are indebted to the vision of the committee.
You as parents contribute to these things through the P&F levy you pay each
year. In addition, when the P&F host an event, be it the bi-annual Fete or the
Wine Raffle for example, parents come in droves to support and to work
Insight from Catherine McAuley:
Let charity be our badge of honour…
so that it may truly be said, there is in
us but one heart and one soul in
Father?s Day Breakfast