Continue your narrative here.....
he knew that he was special. I will forever be grateful that he was content with knowing how sick he was. It was all because of his strong belief in god, and knowing everything happens for a reason..
A month after our Disney trip we had a doctors appointment. We feared what they were going to say. We prayed for awesome news, but we knew that wasn't reality.. The doctor called us in, and we sat in those chairs tapping our feet waiting for the news. We thought we would never hear it, but it was great news. Dr Smith said “We think he is going to be a rare case and beat the cancer.” I was shocked to hear what he had to say, but all I could think of was that it was because of his faith in god. Maybe he was going to be the rare case and beat this cancer because of his strong faith in god.
Just a short couple months after getting home from the doctors the day came. The day that we sadly knew was coming, but we all feared. He passed away. I had a hard time dealing with it, but I came to more peace with it because I knew he was ready. He had his strong belief in god and knew that he was needed. He knew the day was coming, but that still didn't make it any easier for us. Although he was supposed to be a rare case I could see his health just deteriorating. I knew he was going to be leaving us although I was dreading it. I still to this day miss him dearly, but the thing that I can’t stress enough is that I know he was okay with it and that god really needed him.
After all the hardships that my family and I went through I wouldn't ever tell you that I wished I had a different life. My life was rough at times, but it was definitely a life worth living. My wife and I have been married for 55 years now and have gone through it all together. That wasn't the only hardship that my family had faced, but that was to most significant to me and the thing that really sticks out in my life. Some people never get to experience something so hard, and although I am glad they don't go through things like that I feel like it is hard for them to be grateful. I am so grateful for the times that I spent with my son and as a whole family. If ever at some point you feel like you aren't living the most perfect life, or the celebrity life don't ever think that your life is a life not worth living.